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Although we may have a wealth of knowledge on extant dinosaur species, there still remain a good deal of species whose existences have yet to be confirmed.



Native to the rainforests of southeastern Khaan, very little is known about the ninja, including the fact of whether or not it even exists, due to its secretive habits and its deadly nature. Completely undetectable by scrying spells, sonar, or radar and possessing a deadly venomous bite that induces total organ failure, as well as the ability to turn invisible whenever it's in even the slightest amount of shadow, instantaneously teleport up to 50 feet by travelling through objects' shadows, belch a blast of thick black semi-solid smoke to cover its retreat, and fire the quills on its tail like a Deadly Nadder's spines, ninjas are among the most deadly dromeosaurs known to science. The most we have to go on besides its magical abilities is that they're at least partially arboreal: the wounds on the majority of creatures believed to have been killed by it suggest that it attacks from above.

White Ninja

Another cryptic species of dromeosaur, the white ninja at least has slightly more concrete proof of its existence than its rainforest-dwelling cousin; a single camera roll that depict a blurry image of the creature. Besides that, though, all we have stems from accounts of yetis and other denizens of the Sky Mountains, where the dinosaur lives, as well as sightings that are even more infrequent than ones of the black ninja
Consistent elements of accounts are detailed below:
-It can keep its footing on even the most slippery of ice, and is known to run at full speed up vertical surfaces as if it's nothing.
-The white ninja's bite contains venom, but unlike its tropical cousin, it causes the blood of a victim to freeze in large chunks, starting at the extremities and culminating with the heart itself being frozen, killing the victim as the heart is unable to beat.
-White ninjas can't turn invisible like the more 'common' ninja; instead, they use a magically-powered optical illusion to break up the outlines of their bodies while the rest of the body flickers and shimmers, making them appear as vaguely dinosaur-shaped snow flurries to the naked eye.
-It can't teleport while in shadows or spit concealing smoke, but white ninjas are capable of freezing water with a touch, often using this power to cross streams and cause water droplets in the air to instantly crystallize into snowflakes, creating a blast of snow that has the same effect. This ability also allows the white ninja to coat its tail feathers in sheaths of magical ice that are as sharp as any arrowhead, making their ranged attacks even worse than those of its jungle-dwelling cousin.


One of the strangest raptors on the planet, the schemer is a nocturnal inhabitant of Nova Island. Besides various blurry photos and eyewitness accounts, very little is known about its capabilities, aside from the following:
-It's almost totally silent; the only noise the schemer has ever been heard to make is a low hissing noise that the dinosaur makes split seconds before it strikes.
-Its clammy skin can change color like an octopus to blend into its environment, and it has practically no scent. Combined with its ability to move completely silently, this makes it next to impossible to find a schemer when it doesn't want to be found.
-It's definitely magical in nature: schemers have been reported levitating objects with some sort of telekinesis, seeing beings cloaked by invisibility spells, and even emitting a short-range pulse of energy that shorts out almost all electronic devices and dispels many temporary enchantments.
Whatever they're capable of, one thing's for sure: they're to be approached with extreme caution.

Jungle Ghost

A rumored subspecies of the great barker found deep within the rainforests of Jurassica, the jungle ghost is an incredibly elusive, solitary predator supposedly measuring up to 30 feet in length, although any evidence more concrete than tracks and blurry photos has yet to be found. According to eyewitness reports, these swift, silent hunters spit bubbling acid at their opponents, while their skin patterns shift to match the environment around them, only revealing the creature's true identity while it is relaxed. They have a healing factor of some kind, strong enough to allow for broken legs to mend in a matter of weeks, and they don't show up under scrying spells.


Concordian Tuskfrill

An artist's reconstruction of the creature, based on several blurry photographs
This mysterious inhabitant of the Coastal Expanse is only known from various myths, a few unidentified tracks, and a scattered group of eyewitness accounts. Whatever the source, though, several aspects of this creature are always made clear:
-It doesn't have horns; instead, it seems to have 'tusks' growing from its frill.
-It's semi-aquatic, always heading into water as soon as it knows it's been spotted.
-And it's intelligent: many report the creature looking directly at them and barking what they swear was some kind of language before fleeing, and the discovery of various tools too small for a Kragg to have made, as well as various bix legends of their "brothers of the marsh" lends credence to this theory.

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