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An ancient type of deer still said to roam the forests of the world, Shishigami (also known as Cernunnos, Forest Spirits, and Spirit Deer) are considered enigmatic even by other cervids.

They are considered the most powerful of the Deer, and ancient legends placed them as avatars of nature deities. They are only rarely seen, and often vanish soon afterwards.

They have never been observed speaking, and what few records of interaction do exist show a very alien kind of intelligence, showing little concern for the conflicts that surround them at any time.

Many powers are ascribed to them- walking on water, immortality, incredible healing abilities (both in healing themselves and others), and even power over life and death itself. Due to their elusive nature, none of these are officially confirmed, and the only ability that has been observed numerous times has only been seen in Neighpon.

Documented roughly 7 times in Neighponese texts, Shishigami are apparently capable of undergoing a metamorphosis at sunset into a creature well-documented in Neighpon legend- the Daidarabotchi, also known as the Nightwalker (though it more closely translates into "Giant Priest").

The Daidarabotchi are by far among the largest beings mentioned in Neighpon's yokai folklore, at 200 feet tall. However, they are never described as openly malevolent.

According to folklore, they build mountains by piling up rocks and dirt, and can even pick up and move mountains to other places. When they walk, they leave lakes and valleys behind in their footprints. Because of this, many places across Neighpon are believed to have been made by Daidarabotchi, and some are even named after them.

Again, this is folklore simply associated with these enigmatic beings. They are occasionally glimpsed during their nighttime wanderings, disappearing into forest glades at daybreak as they change back into Shishigami.

The Shishigami took almost no part in the War of the Deer, and the only mention made of them at any point during this time was a brief presence felt by Nandi, Sage King of the Water Buffalo. He had successfully managed to negotiate an alliance with the Urox tribes living near the Bikin Forest of Muskovy, but the northern bovines warned him against entering the forest without permission from the forest god.

Curious, the Sage King used his clairvoyance to probe the forest, and indeed felt a presence there. pushing slightly further, he suddenly reeled at what he observed, staggering and panting. He only recorded one thing in his journals describing the event...

"Aranyani was in that forest. I would not wish the fate of those who trespass there even on Rakshasa."

Aranyani- Deity of the forests and the animals that dwell within them in Nandi's own religion.

Rakshasha- The demon king who supposedly had driven theWater Buffalo from their lands eons ago.

...Trippy as buck...

Great movie and post

That gif is almost as disturbing as the deer from Adventure Time.

Group Admin

6312910 Apparently Tara Strong had a part in the English dub

As somebody from Hungary I must point at my nations home founding legend.
The legend of the miraculous\wondrous stag\deer\hind ( why is the title is so hard to translet!!!! )

Group Admin

6313744 Because English is a language of generalizations.

Miraculous and Wondrous are pretty much interchangeable

Deer is the species. Hind refers to a female deer, while stag refers to a male.

I'm going to guess it was a stag.

Yes, it was a male deer
One that vanished every night and reapered every morning

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