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Found across the world, Bogeymares are primarily nocturnal, and experience extreme discomfort if forced into direct light. Most equine settlements have their own associated populations of bogeymares, who combine a social network comprised of family obligations and favors with a strong solitary streak. Very few bogeymares will live within a mile of bogeymares to whom they are not related. The term "bogeymare" applies to both males and females of the species.

When dealing with bogeymares, it is best to remember that they place little value on long-term loyalty, but high value on debts and favors owed. Always read the fine print, and be certain of what you're getting into before you sign anything a bogeymare might offer you.

Bogeymares are omnivorous, and favor a wide and varied diet. Many of them enjoy slightly rotten food, and seem to have a stronger digestive system than the average equine. Bogeymares can catch normal equine diseases, but their physiology often causes them to have unusual symptomatic progression. They have been key in the spread of several equine plagues, considering them to be "minor colds."

Members of the species possess enhanced sight and hearing, as well as contortionist abilities that allow them to fit into much smaller places than their frames would suggest.

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