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Despite the overwhelming intelligence seen in most cephalopod species, ranging from the problem-solving skills of the various tree octopus species to the complex color-oriented "language" of the kraken, only one species has attained true sapience- the Crimson-Ringed Octopus.

Closely related to the four species of blue-ringed octopus found in tide pools and coral reefs from Neighpon to Hosstralia, the Crimson-Ringed Octopus is much larger than its tiny relatives, averaging in weight from 156-165 lbs.

These cephalopods are a nomadic race that strives to avoid conflict. Highly adaptable, they live everywhere from the shallows to the deepest trenches. They are also fairly social, with an average tribe consisting of 3-12 males, half as many young, and 1-4 females. Females make all decisions for the tribe, while the males act as defenders and hunters.

Though they almost always strive to avoid combat, when forced to stand and fight they are remarkably skilled fighters. Initially, most depend on evasive tactics. Just like other octopuses, Crimson-Rings have chromatophores embedded in their skin that allow them to change color at will, giving them perfect camouflage against the sea floor. When forced into combat, however, their tentacles prove to be strong and resilient... and their bite is just as venomous as that of a blue-ring.

Though for the most part shy and reclusive, they have a strong sense of honor, and will avenge attacks and ally with members of other races who assist them.

Some have suggested that they also possess an ability to psychically control non-sapient cephalopod species, but this is unconfirmed.

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