The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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The irradiated land of Boardor has given rise to many unique species due to the high amounts of radiation found there. Elsewhere, we have looked at one such native species, the Smog Dweller, but other equines have evolved here as well.


Standing well over 2 meters high at the shoulder, a Brutorz is powerfully muscled and very broad. Their flesh bulges with muscle, and the species is too large to wear normal pony armor or clothes, instead fashioning armor and saddlebags out of scrap metal.

Brutorz are dark-coated, are immune to disease and radiation, and are gifted with incredible strength and endurance. Their skin is extremely tough, and their muscle and bone structure are enhanced well beyond the norm.


Degenerate offshoots mainly found around abandoned settlements, no one is entirely sure how the Blanks came into existence. Some state that they were created through biomagic as disposable test subjects and organ donors, while others theorize they are the result of more natural evolutionary processes.

Blanks are slightly smaller than the average pony. Their bodies lack most pigmentation, and their intellect can best be described as semi-sapient, possessing basic survival skills and showing the capacity to learn.

Creeping Horror

Descended from ponies horribly effected by the megaspells, these equines lack any sort of fur or hair, possess eyes which are huge and red, and a mass of tentacles hanging out of its maw which writhed constantly. Their bodies emit a sickening gas whenever pierced or shot. They are relatively easy to kill and sneak up on, but they possess some form of paralyzing ability.

The exact intelligence of the species is unknown. They are territorial, rarely straying from abandoned complexes (as they would be easy prey for many of Boardor's predators), and seem to make sure their homes are in good condition. They hunt prey with surprising coordination, and appear to grow plants in order to eat. A few reports claim they are capable of mimicking speech, and then re-arranging words to create their own messages.

Go away... don't want... hurts...


Travelling in massive migratory tribes, these long-bodied equines have an almost insect-like appearance. A centequine can trot at full speed on its 16 legs carrying two riders. Although not highly intelligent, these beings are totally immune to all forms of mental attack and possesses force field generation. They require enormous quantities of fodder because of their increased metabolisms.

Centequines possess a crude society, with a single leading couple. While they have no permanent shelters, they have erected various "waystations" along their migration routes to have safe areas to rest between feeding grounds.


6-limbed equines, Wasterunners are hardy beings, going for incredible lengths of time without food or water, and can live for centuries, barring fatal injuries. Their mental faculties benefit from their extreme lifespan, and Wasterunners are capable of amassing skill and knowledge far beyond the ability of most Boardor natives, using this to their advantage as they travel the land.

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