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Introduction: the "Terrible Lizards"

65 million years ago, an asteroid crashed into the world in what was known as the K-T event. this had mixed effects, but three main things arrived from it.

1.) mammals were able to establish dominance.

2.) the first 30 Draconequi were born from the resulting chaos

3.) the majority of dinosaurs died out

Now, it was established some time ago that birds are dinosaurs, but non-avian dinosaurs have clung to existence in parts of the world, competing with newer predators. some have feathers, others don't, but they all are still alive.

these posts will cover the known species of extant dinosaurs. they may be updated, so keep an eye out!

Megalosaurs superficially resemble Allosaurs, but are just different enough to be put in a different group with the Spinosaurs.

Spinosaurs are particularly interesting due to their main diet: fish.




native to an island near Zebrica, this dinosaur has changed little in 65 million years, but it is still a large and active predator, about 27 - 33 ft. long, that prowls through the forests, sometimes singly and sometimes in packs, hunting the large plant-eaters of the island. As it grows older and slower it lives as a solitary scavenger, devouring the corpses of already dead animals and the remains of the kills of younger megalosaurs.


Native to Bumbleland, these dinosaurs can magically produce heat from their body. however, their teeth and claws betray a diet consisting mostly of fish

Diving Megalosaur

At 30 feet, this coastal predator is a fairly large Stirropean native. Males and females differ little in size, but are dissimilar in color, as the males are sandy, with a pale underside and snout, a black band encircling the head, and a reddish crest. Females are cream colored, with a brown head and stripe running down the spine.

While overall terrestrial, these theropods often dive into the ocean in order to search for shellfish.



among the largest of spinosaurs, this Hosstralian inhabitant prefers to live near the shore.


a Zebrican native, this Spinosaur specializes in catching lungfish buried in the mud

Crocodile-Shark and Sea Gaper

these two lemurian inhabitants pursue a mostly aquatic lifestyle, in the case of the Sea Gaper, only coming on land to lay eggs


another Lemurian native, this nocturnal predator mostly sticks near the coast, only coming inland at times of low fish population.


with short legs, a fatty hump, a crocodile-like snout, and a covering of waterproof feathers, the Bearcroc of Concordia is a unique member of the Spinosaur family. Native to the Great Coastal Expanse, this large dinosaur will occasionally swim out to sea for larger fish, stalking the Emerald Sea's kelp forests.

Captain Lunar
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2909804 Every time I hear of a megalosaurus I think of this

And actually? If they ever DID tackle dinos in the show? I would fully expect something like this.

Also I can't stand Spinos. Jurassic Park 3 ruined them for me............... Baryonyx is cool though

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2909854 Yeah, Jurassic Park 3 took a lot of liberties with their Spino.

I mean, Giganotosaurus MIGHT have been better, but Spinosaurus? he should have been down by the coast the entire time.

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

2909898 There were rumors for a LONG time that the Baryonyx was going to be the new big dinosaur for 3

This is actually a piece of concept art for the poster! The thing that gets me is that they portrayed the Spino as a serial killer, seriously that thing had NO reason to be stalking them throughout the island! I mean, okay they wanna have it show up a few times fine but having it turn psycho killer? No! How many times did the T-Rex show up in the first movie to terrorize people? Twice. Once when it broke out and another when it was chasing the Jeep. The rest of the time it actually behaved like a real animal, the humans got away so it went for a different prey.

The Rex's in Lost World again acted like actual animals! The Spino though? They literally made it into a monster, a single minded driven monster that for SOME reason decided to track down and kill a group of humans who would barely count as an appetizer for it. Not to mention that they totally killed any chances of me liking the thing before hand when they had it kill the T-Rex(Who according to some facts and figures HAD to have been the baby T-Rex from Lost World).

In the next movie(Jurassic World is the official title), I hope they do one of two things.

1: Bring back the T-Rex or if not find a SUITABLE replacement

2: Make sure that the T-Rex or whatever replacement they use acts like a real animal!

Captain Lunar
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2910791 Also personally I'd like to see a Carcharodontosaurus as the next main dino

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2910819 yeah. that's one of my top favorites:twilightsmile:

Captain Lunar
Group Admin

2911022 A bit bigger than a T-Rex and has a more streamlined look, perfect for a movie :ajsmug:

2910757 so how did you like Jurassic World?

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