Button's Mom 1,597 members · 110 stories
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SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

This video's been posted on Jan Animation's channel!

Seems like something that may be Button Mash related in some way may be happening...

--Sweetie Belle

If I understand correctly, he's legally not allowed to do ponies. Don't see how he can do this, unless he's writing around trademarks. Buton Mesh, maybe?

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin

Well, the name 'Button Mash' is probably actually okay, because that isn't Hasbro's name. Jan was the one who called that pony Button Mash. Previously he was an anonymous colt that got pointed at once in a song.

And this is clearly not being done show style, either. Hasbro had claimed to want to work something out with him at one point. There were just a bunch of delays and excuses and eventually Jan gave up on it. Maybe they got back to him and loosened things up a bit. Don't use trademarked characters or the show style, or something like that.

There's been some speculation that this might be human Button Mash, too, which would mean he wouldn't be doing ponies.

Of course, all I really know is that that video's up...

--Sweetie Belle

i don't know why the toymaker doesn't let the fandom grow with it, if not for it their toy sells would be like nothing still.

Hell i have to wonder what the hell is going on with there CEO mind half the time.

Can't wait to see what jan has in store for us!:yay:

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