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Hello everyone,

TLuster Dawn: New Days of the Magic of Friendship
Twilight wants to break the curse of immortality to pass with her friends. But first she must find a Successor to take her place. Can she do it or does Equestria need her to stay? What tests await candidate Luster Dawn as an ancient villain returns?
SamSwordsman123 · 126k words  ·  98  22 · 3.6k views

I'm sure many of you who saw the finale came to the conclusion that Twilight was going to outlive her friends. I however, came to a different conclusion. It was said a long time ago that she would NOT outlive them. I think I see how this is going to happen, the ending of the show basically repeated the beginning with Twilight sending a student of her own to Ponyville. A student named Luster Dawn who is very much like Twilight herself was in the very first episode. My theory is this, Twilight is preparing Luster Dawn to be her successor in order to give up the power keeping her younger so she can die with her friends. I've come up with a different idea of how Celestia and Luna have lived for so long rather than the whole 'alicornhood means immortality or longer lifespan' thing based on information I've gathered through the MLP wiki and the writers words. It is not being an alicorn, but rather the sisters powers to raise the sun and moon that keeps them young, that was said according to something I read a year ago on the alicorn page, though I admit I look back now and its gone. However, Jim Miller himself stated that the sisters gave up those powers when they fused their crowns, which I'd suspected even before since I knew Twilight was taking over raising them. Celestia even said they were leaving the sun and moon in her hooves, and the comics have made it official that she can do it on her own. Also, I noticed that we did not see the sisters aside from flashbacks in the Last Problem. If the part of the sun and moon powers being the source of their immortality is true, that means they could be dead or aging rapidly.

I don't believe that Twilight would choose to live without her friends, she would choose them over immortality, just like Arwen chose Aragorn or Hercules chose to renounce his godhood for Megara.

I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone. Arwen.

Now, immortality has a lot of opinions to it. I'm a firm believer that it is a curse rather than a gift. People on here have tried to convince me of the opposite, that with age comes perspective or no one over 30 mourns their loved ones for long. While that might be true for some of us, I didn't mourn the loss of my pets for long in recent years, that doesn't apply to everyone. Something I read is that the highest age group for suicide is people in their 50s. And watching EVERYONE you've known die is a whole different scale of pain, being the last of your generation, seeing those whom you would naturally die before pass of old age like your children while you remain, that's totally different than anything in a normal lifespan and the loss that comes with it. I'm not gonna go for the living forever is awesome mindset so please don't try to start anything on convincing me its a gift. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

This story and its original two separate versions I published last year have brought comfort to people who feel the same way and want Twilight to be with her friends even in death. I have to have the ratings on and off since I've had bullies in the past who gave this story a dislike without apparently reading the first chapter. Dont be like that. Leave a comment please, and give me a reason for disliking that has nothing to do with wanting Twilight to be immortal.

Warning: There will be quite a bit of death in this story at the beginning, but also some fun, adventure, friendship and a lot of good stuff, as well as bad since a big baddie (the real Grogar) is here to cause trouble.

7314412 Is it possible for Grogar to kill immortal Twilight?

7314539 So, if he kills Twilight and her friends, the problem is solved?

That would be one way. But I have something else planned.

7314573 Well, if I ever get to read your story, I'll be cheering for Grogar to put Twilight out of her misery that she put herself in.

Now dont think I've made her like me, I've never seen anything that indicates she is a self denier who refuses to be fully happy like me. Though if she outlives her friends that could happen and she could trap herself in misery as I have. Some people overcome their grief and others are consumed by it. That's when one commits suicide I think, when they cant see any chance for new light, give up hope, and lose their reason to keep going. I could definitely see her possibly going insane from overwhelming loss given that she is shown to be mentally unstable though.

In this story she isnt miserable, she fears outliving her friends but still has a responsibility to Equestria. There will times when she questions whether she should give up her immortality or stay for the good of Equestria, but the battle with Grogar will convince her of the right course.

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