The Sexy Fetish Fun Fun Club 294 members · 405 stories
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I wrote a dark one-shot TF fic, it doesn't have "sufficient pony content" to get past the prereaders, which I think is silly as the mane character turns into a pony.:trixieshiftleft:

But in any case, here it is on Google Docs.
I'm not going to spoil anything for you guys, but I'm pretty sure you sick fucks are going to like it.

(There's a less dark version here, but, again, you guys will probably prefer the dark one.)

1986512 Weird, from what I read it should have been more than enough to get in. Hell, I've read some stories where the first chapter didn't have any hint of ponies what so ever and still got in.

Truth be told I never actually tried. I just described it on Skype to one of the prereaders and they seemed skeptical about it.:trixieshiftright:

I never really intended to publish it though, truth be told I wrote it for a friend (the main character is his OC). Sharing it here was just an afterthought, but I figured you guys might like it :twilightsmile:

1986564 Maybe you should try resubmitting it. It's possible you got a bad prereader that didn't like this stuff.

You should post trigger warnings, for those of us who are...not quite open to everything, per say...

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