Comments ( 4 )
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I've been struggling with accepting opinions, self-victimization, and taking things too personally. For weeks, I thought I was better. I thought I'd finally improved.

One message from someone who might as well be a total stranger told me I was wrong.

I feel like everything I've worked hard to change means nothing anymore. Like everything I've done just came crashing down, and nothing I do matters, or ever mattered.

I'm sorry. I know I've been bad about public venting, too. But I also need help. What can I do to get myself back on track? What can I do to be better?

Thanks for reading. I'll try to stay calm and everything. Thank you.


What can I do to be better?

Don't try to fit into the world. Make the world your own, instead.

Do things for you, not for others. In order to achieve personal happiness, you have to achieve pleasing yourself, not others.

5299364 But when I do things for myself, I'm blind to how others feel. I'm inconsiderate.

5299308 I've spent a lot of time reflecting on myself in recent days, and it's my way to looking back to see what needs improvement. Though sometimes it's best to mix what you want, and consideration for fellow people into one. I hadn't been very considerate to others, but always did what I wanted. Bad Dragon made a good point of creating something you want, and at the same time take good critical analysis to the heart. And not the brutally rude. If you think it's rude, reread it once you've calmed down. It might be giving honest opinions.

Trixie Star, Out.

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