Comments ( 6 )
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Not sure if life is worth living anymore. I've tried all the medications we could afford and none of them work. I'm still an obnoxious, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic, psychotic, emo bitch. I deserve to die, but I can't bring myself to do it. Should I kill myself?

5417875 There's another way. It's kind of like killing yourself, but the reward is much greater.

You can sacrifice everything you are and step to a different lane. Immagine a person with the same limitations you have, but ideal in the way he/she reacts to the surroundings. You could dispose of what you are, and become that person. Nothing is stopping you. You can be reborn as a fresh new human.

5417875 Absolutely not. Death is never the answer. There is a way to change, but you need to push yourself and strive for it. You can do it. You just need to take that first step and become the better person you know you can be.

You have friends here who support you. You can do this. We're rooting for you.

5417875 medication will do nothing but act as a distraction. Like many others would say, death is never the answer. You cannot rely on a pill to change you for the better, that job is for you yourself. It will take a lot of time and will be very hard and emotional, but eventually, you will be able to improve yourself and become something greater. Chase a dream, find something that motivates you to keep going and follow it, find something to strive towards.

5417875 No you shouldn't, and don't give up either. It sounds like you really want to change, but it's not going to happen in a month or even a year. But keep at it, (pray about it if you're willing to do that) and eventually I think you'll be able to look back on your old self and see how far you've come, keep trying :)

Never. Don't ever kill yourself. The end is not the answer. I've been down that road before, it's not fun. Trust me, you do not want to kill yourself.

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