Comments ( 6 )
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I've made a friend recently over on discord, but I've recently found out he suffers from depression, and has mentioned things like not making it to next week. I don't want to betray his trust by telling anyone without his permission, but I also don't want to wait until it's too late to do anything. So for now I'm just asking for some things to say to him that might be able to help, if the situation worsens I'll try to come to some of you who volunteered to help.

6723410 The site is specifically designed to help depressed people. You even have listeners who you can talk to if you feel distressed. From the OP, I figured this site could really help the friend. Do you not like the site?

Don't you have to pay or something?

6723799 You only have to pay if you want to talk to a professional psychotherapist. Everything else is absolutely free.

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