Comments ( 3 )
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You know how people say that we're put on this earth for a reason? Well, I'm having a very hard time finding out what my purpose is. On top of that, I'm having an existential crisis and I feel like I can't do anything anymore. I don't want to live in a world where I don't have any reason for being. I just ... don't. :fluttercry:

I think everyone goes through a time in their life when they feel this way. I know there's a reason for you being here and there's something you can do. It may not seem like it now, but you'll see eventually. Just gotta give it time and keep moving. I'll be praying for you, buddy.

6356257 The meaning of life is very simple:

find a harmless long-lasting addiction

Just ask yourself, when were you the happiest? What were you doing at the time? Figure out what you enjoy doing. Those things are probably the reason why you're here.

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