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4209166 hey Keam, how goes it? It sounds like you're going through a lot of the same problems I did and still face. Social phobia is one that I can relate to the most. Ever since I was a little kid, I've gone through life and every social interaction with a mindset that told me I wasn't worth anyone's time and that I would always be a disappointment to everyone and myself if I tried applying myself. I'm also a very melodramatic person and internalise and over analyse all of my emotions. I blame most things that happen to me or people in close to on myself.
You have to remember that there's nothing wrong with being melodramatic- it's a simple hormonal response to your own unbalanced emotions and is part of your personality. No one thinks you're a bad or pathetic person just because you experience feelings deeper than anyone else does as long as you recognise that worrying or doubting yourself is simply an unnecessary hindrance to your own capability to thrive as a human. Just be you, because as much as you want it, no one else can live your life or feel your feelings for you.

Hi there, InkTapper. Thanks for the wonderful respons... like I mentioned, I've gained more knowledge of my troubles, acknowledging them more than before, which have been an essential step to feeling better personally...

I think the biggest thing woth my social phobia is that no one I know and love IRL gets it. They're open, social unhindered and welcoming...but there is one girl I know. she rarely talk at all, but it still feels like she get it all...

Thanls again for the wonderful response.

Before I start I just wanted to make it clear that the only reason I am replying to everyone is because I like to say hi and make everyone feel loved and awesome as they are.

So, let's begin!
I'm jazzie366 H Discordia! I'm 16 years old and I love life, friends and everything about it. I love to help people and have great big families of friends that anyone who's heart has good intent no matter who they are on the outside can join. Even if the person didn't have a good intent in their heart, there is nothing saying an old dog can't learn new tricks :ajsmug:.
So I joined to help people with small to medium-heavy scale problems and to try and find some help to my own.
From my adolescent years from around 10-13 I was EXTREMELY suicidal due to bullying in my school because of abuse from the teachers and all the neighborhood kids turning on me.
Now that everyone is older we're actually somewhat friends that part of me is gone thanks to my parents pulling me out of school to be homeschooled.
Now one of my major problems that still lingers around is my fear of the outside world. Yes, I'm not kidding.
I'm literally afraid to walk in my own neighborhood for no real reason.
I don't know why, but I do know I'm autistic (which to me is the best thing ever when you learn how to control it), I have insane ADD (which again is awesome when you learn to control it) and slightly off my rocker (insane) when it comes to me well... Just being me xD
So yeah, I've had my fair share of good and bad in my life but I have my own unique way of keeping myself happy and spreading it to others.
I'm pretty good with helping people with OCD as well, my mom has massive OCD and I've found ways for her to get around it as well.
So yeah, I'd love to help anyone, but also reciving some help back would be nice!
Thank you all!
Stay Awesome! You're a beautiful person no matter what anyone says, the only thing between you and them is your differences.
So remember, your differences no matter what make you an awesome person.

4209234 You! I will hug you so beary much, bro!

That concludes my "howdy."

Also, 4209166 : *hugs*

It seems the three of use are in roughly the same boat, and that we all cope/help ourselves in our own way. Perhaps that can be a modicum of truth that grows into a tree that one is very rarely alone in their experiences.

Anyway, my own dealings with my own things... mostly finds release through creative expression, and masked by overtly silly comments or actions, physically displayed by general aloofness and quietness, of late taking to being alone in my room with my thoughts. I probably think too much for my own good, but, really, it is also my own over-thing that feeds my soul and my intellect and which guides my own creative self, which is myself expressed. And expressing myself completely, almost ironically, is one of the hardest things for me to do.

I think I get it, I do the same yet different. I got acting and writing, two for me very necessary medium to get all my feelings and all my hate for pretending to be happy and so on away from my boday, to be a person that for once feel true and free. I often get comments when I write poems etcthat emotions feel real, and it's because they're often real, inside me.

Does that make any sense?

Hey my names Glitter. I decided to join out of a need for a sense of community. I am Bipolar and have more suicide attempts behind me than I like to admit to. I am very socially awkward and have as such spent pretty much my entire life alone. Due to an extreme fear (almost phobia level) of social rejection I've never been to a con, never even met another brony in real life. Beyond this post I may not make to many others as I am quite shy (has taken me an hour, almost an entire pack of smokes and several bottles of liquid courage now to just write this) I'm not expecting anyone to reply to or even read this.

Hi. Um...I'm Starlight. Not Starlight Glimmer. Starlight Glow. Geez. Time to spill my full story.

I'm in high school, and even with my awesome life one or two events sent me down to the pits of pain. Losing my first real crush and having horrible friends who bullied me. I felt alone. Around August last year I asked myself. "Why are you not dead? Where are your obvious wounds?" Never got an answer to that.

I met user Gary Sec a few months ago and since then we've become best friends. We even have a plan for a future. He saved me from possible suicide. He was my hero. But now that my feelings have been cleaned up. I'm ready to help those who need it! But I'm jot an expert at everything. So be warned. I know a lot involving Bullying, Depression, Self Harm, Thoughs of Murder or Suicide, and Abuse.

Greetings, everyone!
My name is Nick Hawkri, as well as I go by the alias of "Boorywooch" (the 'ch' part as pronounced as [h] in the 'hat'), or "Captain".

I guess that I shall tell something about myself, shan't I?
Well... To put it brief, in me is 22 years of life I've spent 13 years getting into fights: from the usual "come-over-here" over the football game in the neighborhood to the serious ones, including firefight between the gangs. Veteran of military service, staff sergeant in retirement. Left the Academy for an army service (and to get away with some serious crimes forged onto me), honorably retired.
As of now, am running various errands to those who need things done that they wouldn't risk doing themselves, and doing so for those paying the top coin.
Else: father in conviction, have a teenage brother and unemployed mother to take care of.
I need no help or compassion, but I am always ready to lend a hand to the ones who need.
Even if I suck at socializing.

I guess that does it.
Captain, out.

1792141 I've been through some stuff, but I'm here to help others.

Anyway, I like music, my favorite band is Rise Against, I'm a guy. I wish to help others. That's all you need to know.

So, I'm known as Gallop-Free, my real name is Grace, and I'm nearly thirteen. People tell me I'm very mature, responsible and knowledgeble for my age, but what they don't know is that I've tried to kill myself four times in the past (which were obvious failures). I'm just afraid of telling my parents, because my dad would most likely yell at me until I break down and my mom has high expectations of me and I don't want to disappoint her. I get bullied because I like ponies and I'm bisexual. I've been drunk before and it wasn't pretty. I have depression. Sometimes I just feel so awful. I get the top grades in my class but my parents expect better from me, because when I'm doing my best they always tell me I should do better. :fluttercry:

My name is Silver. I'm a writer, modder, and soon to be game dev. I came back to see if the pony site got better, and it hasn't, it just got older. No more mature, just older.

My name is Redskin122004
I just turn 30 years old today.
I am an oilfield worker

And I dont what is wrong with me.

I am the author of "The Other Side of the Spectrum", and the past year or so, i been fighting with the people that work on my story.

I... had an episode in the past week, and i was the sole cause of my story's destruction.

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