Human in Equestria 16,875 members · 17,071 stories
Comments ( 22 )
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have you guys and gals had story idea that are just out there, stupid, never pan out or just want to get off your chest
this thread serve as a way to let out some idea for story you have no intend to writing
so just leave stupid and short Idea for story that make little to no sense

I have a stupid a human brony most likely a warrior or merc from a fanatasy world like a gunner come to equestria and become the bodyguard for his fav pony normal brony story right but there a problem three actually
one his favorite pony is Prince Blueblood
two other human just as or more powerful that him arrive to the same equestria
three they all want Bebe dead
the hero doesn't need to be a brony just thought it can be interest
and as a side story they try to overthrow Celestia and start the new lunar republic
so it like a satire of the brony fandom with their obsession with luna and their hate for Bebe

Ps this was a theard of it own but I took it down be cause it was stupid
you see I had an Idea for a gay human X pony romance story with Blueblood which start off with our human hero becoming his personal bodyguard and a relationship starting from their which I might actually write if I get good at romance
I start this thread just so I can get some stupid Idea out of my head
maybe tomorrow I'll reread the mess I said early

Group Admin

LOHAV parody story where main human character puts on an enchanted green-grocer hat, finds out he has the power to summon fruit, and then proceeds to open a market stall and undercut everyone's prices.

For evil, MUHAHAHAH!

4292624 you understand the point of this thread

4292608 A stupid idea you say?

A story that focuses on plots and plots only, with exposition, tons of rising action involving the MC, and finishes off with a mind-blowing climax.

That was terrible.

4292608 MLP is singlehandlely defeated by a Loyalist Catachan Guardsman, using jungle guerrilla warfare and the fact that ponies have no common sense, especially in the art of war.


Overkill version replaces Catachan with Abaddon the Despoiler!

4292608 care bears go to magic horse land and start a insertaion to tople Luna's moonpie empire.

4292608 Wait! I got a few more...

Twilight Sparkles, where Twilight becomes a batpony/thestral and finds that her true talent is literally sparkling in the night.

A mega crossover story with every single tv show/anime, movie, story, and game that I could think of. They all fight to the death and the winner becomes the supreme ruler of world. The ponies end up victorious.

4292608 I probably wouldn't read the first one, I'd read the gay one though.

4292624 Sounds pretty amusing, actually. I'd read it.


Twilight Sparkles, where Twilight becomes a batpony/thestral and finds that her true talent is literally sparkling in the night.

Yes. All the yes.

Uh, um... stupid pony ideas? Princess Luna tries to bring back gladiatorial combat (magically safed or not) and also dueling as a means to resolve issues because dealing with noble ponies is tedious and annoying.

4292608 How about one where the human/brony encounters this main six:

and has to be protected from the others by the Fluttershy one.

I don't know but I do like the picture. This is the My little pony or should I say My little raptor I want to watch.

Luna realizes she was wrong and her special talent is actually eating cake. She goes to war after Celestia refuses to hand over any pastries. :trollestia:

UNSC saves the equestrian wasteland
DayZ hero's kick ass in the equestrian wasteland
Pony assassins
My skyrim character goes to eqestria and becomes Luna's dark assassin ranger
Humans have a grudge with pony's after they wiped almost all life off a continent with their 3 tribe infighting where the windigos bring winter.
FMBschannel and Finbar hawkes get sent to eqestria with all those other guys they're doing Minecraft wars with.
Yogscast cornerstone in eqestria....
You know....
Generally stuff that I'll probably never see because no one would be good enough at writing AND have the same mindset as me.

4293096 yea I will write that one When I get good at romance and writing in general
also I'm glad I'm not the only one that want a human guy on stallion with Blueblood story

4293507 The human that is in Equestria?

Chris Pratt

They look cute as raptors. I wonder if this artist has done Celestia, Luna, and Cadance as raptors as well.

4296241 I'd like to see that as a show, My little raptor, catchy.

That would be amusing.
Now if only someone would do a dragon version like this.

4292693 that wasn't just terrible, that was horrible...

not sure if stupid, but i have an idea anyways:

the entire first equestrian girls movie is an ingeniously constructed lie, lying about what high school is, along with what teenagers are really like, all to Convince princess twilight sparkle and the rest of equestria that the human race is no threat to them

or another idea:

standard sci-fi expanded universe, led by the Global Knowledge Initiative®, the GKI wants only to acquire knowledge, and utilize said knowledge to improve human lives, but then they find equestria, they have diplomatic troubles and release a S.W.A.R.M.S. unit to terrorize them, but the Super-Weapon-Armed-Really-Mad-Scientist they deploy end up not wanting to terrorize the innocent looking ponies, and ends up fighting the GKI

i'm not sure if these are stupid enough ideas for this thread

p.s. i just realized that equestria girls is the exact opposite of a HiE...

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