Human in Equestria 16,881 members · 17,076 stories
Comments ( 11 )
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Group Admin

Hi all, just a quick thread relating to thread posting behavior in the group.

As a few of you probably know, I've been off the site for a while and thus the group. Some of you I haven't seen before (and some I wish I never had) so the newbies can sort of be forgiven. Now, I'm going to try and be a bit more lenient on thread moderation and the like in the interest in promoting discussion and keeping activity in the group going, but there's already been a few... interesting cases in the last few days. So, I thought that I'd post this thread with some thread-posting tips. These are of course recommendations at the moment.

1. Please avoid posting off-topic threads that have nothing to do with HIE. This includes posting a few youtube links to your favorite singer/*shudder* gaming letsplayer and trying to justify it with 'Oh but they did an MLP thing once' or 'But it would be SO COOL to see them in Equestria!'. Remember that the feed exists, and embedded youtube videos fill that shit up quick. You all have an on-site blog, please use that to share your love for the neckbearded denizens of the wider interwebs.

2. Don't self promote (mentioning your own fic in response to a question is borderline fine though). If you wish to promote a fic/music/homebrewed plan for world genocide please use the group 'Shameless Self Promotion Bureau'.

3. Please avoid posting threads that should belong in Humans are Superior instead. These threads are the 'Ponies are weaker because...' and 'Name the weapon you would use to cleave Celestia in twain' ones. Generally, threads that exist solely for pro-humanity circle-jerk over a cartoon show. The same goes for the flipside, the 'Lel, you think your puny war machines can stand against the power of positive equine emotions' threads.

We all seen these threads. Numerous times. Repeatedly. Please stop.

4. Fuck off with your filthy Yank politics. Your entire government system is cancer, all of your political parties are trash, and your dying democracy is run by unelected bureaucrats and entrenched intelligence services workers anyway. We get it, it's like the rest of the world. Post about ponies, not asses.

Now, on a more positive note, some tips:

1. Be as informative as you can when making a thread OP. The goal is to promote discussion on the topic you've chosen, so put some effort into making an interesting post.

2. Also, please put effort into your spelling, punctuation, and grammar. This is a writing site after all. If people can't understand your post, they are likely to just skip over it or downvote.

3. Try to not duplicate posts that already exist, if we already have ten 'What if Rainbow Dash had polio?' threads, we don't need another one but with different wording. Try to be a little original.

4. Feel free to add in some humor to your threads, but try and follow some key points:


This is often hard to work with, but once you master it, everyone will love you and your HIE threads.

Feel free to ask questions below.


Fuck off with your filthy Yank politics.

We get it, it's like the rest of the world.

Kinda pointless to complain about American politics but then admit the rest of the world is this way.


You did that on purpose, didn't you? You Brits can be rather vulgar at times. (I'm assuming that's what you are because nobody else would use the term "Yank.")

Don't take this too personally, I'm just messing with you.

Group Admin


Kinda pointless to complain about American politics but then admit the rest of the world is this way

You tend to not see South Africans, Indians, or Italians bringing up local politics in unrelated threads. I mention US politics specifically because of the recent threads that have been derailed with it.

You Brits can be rather vulgar at times.

I don't even know if this counts as NSFW or not anymore. (Btw, she used this song at a suicide-bombing victim tribute concert.)

Don't take this too personally

You must be new.


(and some I wish I never had)

does that include me?

Fuck off with your filthy Yank politics. Your entire government system is cancer, all of your political parties are trash, and your dying democracy is run by unelected bureaucrats and entrenched intelligence services workers anyway. We get it, it's like the rest of the world. Post about ponies, not asses.

HAHAAAHHAHHAHAHA! I'm obviously not American but this is just hilarious!


You must be new.

Yes, but I don't quite see how that relates to this.

Group Admin


Don't take this too personally

Poking fun at this. It's just internet words.

1. Please avoid posting off-topic threads that have nothing to do with HIE. This includes posting a few youtube links to your favorite singer/*shudder* gaming letsplayer and trying to justify it with 'Oh but they did an MLP thing once' or 'But it would be SO COOL to see them in Equestria!'. Remember that the feed exists, and embedded youtube videos fill that shit up quick. You all have an on-site blog, please use that to share your love for the neckbearded denizens of the wider interwebs.


About time the thread got a purge from all the shit blocking the pipes


Fuck off with your filthy Yank politics. Your entire government system is cancer, all of your political parties are trash, and your dying democracy is run by unelected bureaucrats and entrenched intelligence services workers anyway. We get it, it's like the rest of the world.

You might actually laugh at this...until it dawns on you just how true that statement is...then you really want a drink... Say, anyone know how that whole "manned mission to Mars" thing is coming along?

Um where do I ask if I'm looking for new hidden gem stories about romance? Or should I create a thread solely for that? Or does something similar already exist?

4. Fuck off with your filthy Yank politics. Your entire government system is cancer, all of your political parties are trash, and your dying democracy is run by unelected bureaucrats and entrenched intelligence services workers anyway. We get it, it's like the rest of the world. Post about ponies, not asses.

AH! i like this dude already

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