Spitfire and the Wonderbolts 299 members · 285 stories
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One of the things that inspired me to write the story My Little Investigations: Wonderbolts Under Fire is that I wanted to flesh out the other Wonderbolts (it was also one of the fun parts of writing the story). In the show, Spitfire and Soarin' are the only two Wonderbolts who have established personalities (for that matter, they're the only ones who have lines :trixieshiftright: ). We don't know a lot about the rest of the team. Well, that's what headcanon and fanfics are for, amiright?

So, in case you're not all that interested in Wonderbolts Under Fire, I'm gonna post my thoughts on at least most of the Wonderbolts' personalities here. And before anyone asks any questions about who each Wonderbolt is, I will be posting pictures of the lesser-known members of the team. So without further ado, let's get started. :twistnerd:

Fleetfoot and Rapidfire:

From the events in Sweet and Elite, I think it's safe to say that these two have a bit of a rivalry. Rapidfire is the favorite in the Wonderbolt Derby, but Fleetfoot almost always beats him because she's naturally faster. I imagine that Fleet takes potshots at Rapidfire about this all the time. Mostly just in good fun, though.

I imagine Fleetfoot to be a bit cocky and competitive like Rainbow Dash, but unlike RD, she keeps her ego to herself. Except when she's teasing Rapidfire, but again, that's all it is. As for Rapidfire, I picture him to be competitive as well, but a lot more reserved than Fleet.


Yeah, you heard right. The G1 pony that Pinkie Pie is based off of is a member of the Wonderbolts. Who knew?

Anyway, I think Surprise is very similar to Pinkie in terms of her bombastic, cheery nature. But of course, being a Wonderbolt, she's a bit more mature about it. Living up to her name, she's always subverting everypony's expectations. When you expect her to do one thing, she'll do something completely different. She also has a impeccable timing and a knack for catching ponies off-guard.


That pony looks familiar, doesn't she? But nope, that's not Spitfire. That's a different pony altogether. You may remember Blaze best as the pony who shaved Spike's spines off during the Wonderbolts' battle with him in the events of Secret of My Excess.

Anyway, my headcanon pegs her as Spitfire's younger sister. Because of this, she sometimes plays the Kid Sister card to get what she wants (like leading the charge against a dragon attacking Ponyville, for instance). It's mainly just to tease her, though (as younger sisters are wont to do), and she knows how to behave herself when she needs to.

High Winds:

Another lesser-known Wonderbolt. I picture her to have a bit of a fascination with romance the same was Soarin' is fascinated by pies. Speaking of Soarin', she's also a shipper; her favorite pairing being Spitfire and Soarin'. Whether she's right or not depends on your point of view. :raritywink:

Misty Fly:

I actually didn't get much of a chance to develop Misty Fly in Wonderbolts Under Fire, and I've been trying to think of a story where I'd get an opportunity to write her. In case you don't know, she was one of the ponies who got clocked by Rarity in Sonic Rainboom, along with Spitfire and Soarin'.

Anyway, I think that Misty Fly is an old friend of Spitfire. As such, Spit is the only pony she shows weakness to. Not that her strength is a facade, mind you. It's just that she wants to be a pony the rest of the team can count on. She sometimes resorts to false bravado when things go south, and gets frustrated when something holds her back from doing her best. She also has a bit of a mischievous side, but it doesn't show itself that often.

That's, pretty much all from my end. Let's face it: If I went through the trouble of developing all of the Wonderbolts, I'd still be working on Wonderbolts Under Fire right now. That, and I'd be here all day. So, with that in mind, the floor is open for discussion.

ohh moar wonderbolts

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