Quizzical Greystone's friends 48 members · 60 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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Group Admin

Or, as she would put it, "the accolades of Quiz." Actually, she wouldn't put it that way at all, she'd be embarrassed that anypony was talking about her. But Quiz get's honors. I'll try to gather them up and link to them here. As I get organized...this could take a while.

In addition to the very fine cover art by BookWyrm and Mr. Aibo, Quiz enjoys some fan art. You can see it here and here (BookWyrm probably didn't think I'd save these).

Group Admin

Quiz gets a lot of shout outs. Most recently Elric of Melnipony mention Quizzical in his blog. You should check out his recommendations, Elric has exquisite taste.

Annalisa FLat awarded Quizzical a recommendation on the front page of her Group The Decent Writers Club. The Group is worth a look, as are the other recommended stories.

Group Admin

Quizzical has a TVTropes page. Emptybee built it for her, here. The page could use some love, thanks.

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