Sunset Shimmer Shippings 1,140 members · 730 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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So, I like my OTP, I think it's great. I made a whole fanfic around it and it's pretty much the only thing I write for this site right now (I've got some other ideas but for right now I'm fine just being a one trick pony, pardon the pun) So, at one point, I thought about doing a group for it or just asking people if they like it here.

But, then I realized this ship involves such a niche character that that'd be kinda pointless and really more self indulgent than anything else. Not only is it a crack ship, it's the kind of ship crack ships Hallucinate about when they're on crack.

So that instead got me thinking of a more reasonable question, Anyone got some obscure crack-ships that would normally just fly under the radar?


Spike and Harshwhinny. :raritywink:


I could see something like that, I'm trying to remember if I've read a fic for that anywhere.

5286380 I know I haven't But i think it'd be a good one if done by the right person or people. 10/10 for crack shipping!


Did a quick look and yeah, nothing immediately obvious sadly.

OK, what about Mayor mare and Thunderlane?

5286353 For me, it's Hondo Flanks and Applejack.

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