Evil League of Evil 52 members · 16 stories
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Welcome to the League of Super Evil- I mean, Evil League of Evil. Yeah, it's a pity we couldn't have Scott McNeil voice anything here. MIGHTY IS HE!!!

This thread is to share any past evil doings that you have tried, for better or for worse, be it from the inhibition called RL, or on teh internetz, where you're allowed unrestricted trolling, and thus, more creative control. From your stories, we can analyze how to better ourselves in the lifestyle choice known as "evil", and better prepare the world to martyr itself when the time comes.

Show off your villainous nature through the spirit of one-upmanship and utter dickory.

I, for one, have attempted to high jack this group with this thread, focusing the spotlight on me rather than Bad Horse, who thrives on attention as much as any villain. Also, I have attempted to get shit done in this group, something Bad Horse has failed to do since September, apparently. What kind of villain are you, BH?

Recently, I tried to turn our esteemed host gay for another, rather dashing, horsey gentleman. They would have made a great couple, eh? Unfortunately, I failed to realize that they are both straight as sticks, and would have probably had more success if I had thrown a tied up and helpless Butterbutt in between them. Her infinite shyness would have undoubtedly spurred some sort of action between the two horses.

Unfortunately, in the process of making gay horses, I attracted the eyes of Shub-Niggorath, the eldritch god of mounting goats, and have had to cover my ass since then, so as not to become a victim of tentacle rape on the streets outside my house. I mean, it's one thing to do it in public and another in the privacy of the bedroom. Jeez, fine, I'll buy a 30 pack of condoms before I get home. Yes, they'll be Trojans, because we're on a horse site after all. Like, gawd...

It's all quite evil, you see. For one, I'm quite sure a few religions would have deemed my actions with extra sinfullness, requiring I do a bajillion Hail Marys and a bajillion hours of community service (wait, who's the evil one here, really?). JediMasterEd isn't as evil as Bad Horse, thus, if they were together, he would have turned into a corrupt stallion like Uncle Bad Horse, matching him, if not exceeding his evil. Also, the primary reason for me setting them up was to force a very strong sense of camaraderie between them, and what stronger sense of togetherness would there be than being lovers? They likely then go on to destabalize a country using the combined might of their apocalypse horse eye beams and explosives. I would follow closely behind, smearing myself in the blood and offal of the innocents before barging into an untouched orphanage and forcefully reading them a bedtime story. I would hope EdHorse would have an implacable sense of timing to trot in and eye beam the place dead, right when I finish the story.

The story would be If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, for it teaches you how to be selfish and keep asking for more.

Yes, my plan did fail. But it was pretty damn evil, was it not?

So, my fellow sufferers, what have you done of late to spread the ideals of evil across this very earth we canter?

Titanium Dragon
Group Admin

The worst thing I've ever done to a person was done many years ago, in the long ago year of 2006.

You see, I had recognized humanity for what it is - recognized that the bulk of humanity lacks any true vision.

And what was the reward I gave to the one who finally made me see this?

I told them that they would live an average life. Probably make it to around age 80 or so. They would get some decent job. They'd marry someone, have some kids, their kids would have kids, and when they were dying, the family members who could make it would likely come to spend some time with them before they passed; some might not, because they were busy, but they would likely, at least, make time for their funeral.

But family stories are passed down from parent to child, and seldom make it for more than a generation or two - someone might tell a story of their grandparent, but won't tell a story of their own parent's grandparents.

And people with unremarkable jobs, doing those everyday things which need to be done, seldom have any real lasting impact on society - they are interchangable. Their absence - their death - is only noticed by those closest to them, their friends and family. Over time, memories fade, more children are born, they are told stories of their grandparents and great-grandparents... but then, little more. Those children do not tell the stories of their great-grandparents to their children; why would they? They never met them. They're strangers to them. They aren't of importance to them. Indeed, they likely will forget those stories, what few they were told.

So in less that four generations - likely sixty years or so after their death - they will be unremembered, nothing more than a name and perhaps a few old pictures that are occasionally unearthed and pointed to, "That's what your great-great grandmother looked like." They won't have any lasting impact, and their existence will have been meaningless.

That is why ambition is so important. If you lack it, someday, you will cease to exist, not only as a being, but even as the idea of yourself - it simply will not have affected the world in any appreciable way, and you will be forgotten utterly.

This is why the Evil League of Evil is so important - we have vision. Ambition. Goals. We want to carve our faces into the mountains and our names into the Moon. But of course, the truly ambitious among us want to live forever.

After all, a name can be erased from the moon with sufficient time and effort, but if you keep carving it back in there, you'll truly last forever.

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