Nightmare Moon Is The Best Pony 1,936 members · 783 stories
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The Bricklayer
Group Admin

Okay, after a month of hellish deciding and voting for who’s won this contest, the results are finally in. Here’s the best of the best, the faithful to our Queen and Empress of the Night.
Coming in first:

TNothing Beside Remains
In a frozen world filled only with the dead, a single set of hoofprints lead through the snow. Where do they lead? And who or what left them?
kissfromarose2 · 3k words  ·  86  1 · 2.1k views

I'll be frank with you. Now, at first I wasn't really a fan of this story, namely because of the rather long winded descriptions at times. However... Given that it's a mystery story to begin with, I suppose that can be forgiven. You'd expect it to be like that, expect it to take it's time building things up. Plus, it's prose so maybe I was reading things the wrong way. Difference in writing styles that I'm used to, honestly. Plus, that was before I was told it was quite possibly a tribute to Ozymandias. And after reading the poem itself, I'd say it pulls off the tribute to it very well, plus it provides a good story in the process that keeps you hooked.

Coming in with a well deserved second:

EI Will Make Them Remember
Nightmare Moon is tormented every Nightmare Night during her imprisonment on the moon, but now her powers are returning, and she intends on using them to exact her revenge.
AniMun · 3k words  ·  42  0 · 1.5k views

Now, this one has all the lead ups to a great tragedy. It starts out happily enough, but slowly and steadily things start to go sour until Luna becomes the Nightmare we know and worship. It's possibly one of the most heartbreaking takes on this tale that's out there.

And finally, last but not least, third place.

TSet in Stone
Twilight and Spike explore the remnants of another timeline, seeking revelation of what happened there.
JackRipper · 2.3k words  ·  418  18 · 7.1k views

Again, I'll have to be frank and I know you'll all hate me and the admins after this but... Sorry. This one may have the popular vote, and it's technically rather well written. But there are a few problems with it. One, it's basically just a Nightmare Moon take on the Ashlands timeline from the Season Five replacing a wasteland with a frozen world. It's not unique enough, and Nightmare Moon/Luna barely features in the story at all. However, what it does do with the situation given is quite heartbreaking, keeps you wondering what happened until the reveal, and when it gets there, it's quite shocking on how it goes about it with the ending being a tearjerker for Twilight and Celestia fans.

Now... Anyways, for those of you who’ve won, can you please send one of us a PM on your shipping address so we can properly get your prize to you? Now, for the rest of you… congratulate these fine winners and writers will you?

Congrats to the winners! Didn’t quite have the time to put effort into joining the competition myself. Oh well, maybe next time :moustache:

Huh. I don't understand how the first one won. The other two are very well deserved, though. Congratulations y'all!

The Bricklayer
Group Admin

Feel it best to repeat the prize offerings here.

The writing contest draws ever closer, and as such my fellow admins and I have decided to release the the prize list for the contest!

Third place, will receive a $10 gift card for either Google Play, or iTunes.

Second place will receive a $15 dollar card for Google Play or iTunes.

Lastly, the first place prize winner will be given a choice between three T-shirt designs, chosen by the admins.

Couldn't get a good image source for the third shirt...

So if you wish to throw your lot in to receive one of these prizes, then be sure to enter the upcoming contest!

Congratulations! :yay:

Is there a reason why this story hasn’t been moved to the contest winners folder and the submissions moved into the past entries folder? The contest ended 5 years ago.

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