Pregnancy 1,948 members · 1,289 stories
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I'm looking to commission a clopfic writer for a 30k - 50k+ fetish story. I've had the idea floating around in my brain for almost a year now, and I really, really want to see it come to life.

I'd like it to contain the following:
-Night Light and Twilight Velvet as the main characters
-Repeated consensual kinky sexytimes between a happily married couple (M/F)
-Non-graphic, pleasurable transformation into traditional, European-style dragons
-Repeated hyper pregnancy
-Various size and pregnancy-related shenanigans
-Minor vore elements (mostly just the characters needing to eat all the time due to how fast they're growing)
-The characters driven by an intense desire to have more children in increasingly larger pregnancies
-The characters ascending into godlike beings of cosmic size.

I've put together an outline that goes into greater detail about the story (will share with those interested). I also have the cover art for it already (I commissioned it last year). See below:

If you're okay with the included fetishes and are interested in learning more, please post in this thread or send me a PM. I'd like to review your stories and get a feel for your writing style.

In regards to pricing, my budget for this is $500 USD. If you're okay with receiving payments per finished chapter, I can go up to $750 USD.


I'm intrigued by this story concept and I'd like to see your more detailed outline if you're willing to show me.

However I don't post stories here anymore, I'll have to give you a link to my main site.

Thank you to everyone that expressed interest in the story. I have now found someone.

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