Anti-Depression Ponies 1,886 members · 2,438 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Throughout the course of my life, I've endured some of the shittiest things a human can endure, and I still came out the other end. Maybe not unscathed, but I survived, and I've built up the mental fortitude and emotional reserves I always hoped I would, so when and if the worst comes to pass, I'm ready. I'll do everything in my power to push through or die trying, because I have nothing to lose anymore. I only hope everyone here can find the strength to push forward too. The world wants to see us bleeding and desperate, but once you've been there and lived, the only place you can go is up.


I've endured some of the shittiest things a human can endure, and I still came out the other end. Maybe not unscathed, but I survived

Awesome! I can't imagine what you've been through, but it sounds like quite the victory!

My younger sister was raped by a drug addict. That's just the tip of very long and all-consuming emotional iceberg. Up to now, I was never able to talk about it, but we did what we could, and that's all anybody can do.

My younger sister was raped by a drug addict.

Oh, !@#$, dude. I'm sorry to hear that.

I won't say it's okay, but it's okay as it can be. There's never really any true recovery from something like that, but you do what you can to move on.

Chins up smiling, everybody!

7896908 Nobody can prove that we weren't all created 16 seconds ago and all these memories are fake. It's better to live in the present and future than in the fake past.

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