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A weird bad dream I had last night and I don’t know if it’s my ADHD but it’s messed up me all day and I need to let it out!

I had a bad dream that Tell Your Tale showed Shining Armor falling off a castle to his and that’s why everything turned to shit in G5

And people on here were complaining about it saying that MLP has been ruined and somehow it was my fault

That would never happened on Tell Your Tale right?

Imagine all the little kids that would be traumatized from that!

Anyways I feel like I am gonna keep dreaming about it and I need to get this off my chest

Please don’t laugh at me!

Dreams are irrational things, and even the most clearly stupid can make our minds reflect and fixate on something that triggers us even when we know it's completely ridiculous.
Or maybe that's an ADHD thing. I dunno, I had a stupid nightmare that stuck with me even when I completely broke down just how and why it was so stupid. It shouldn't have even been a nightmare in the first place it was so stupid.
Anyway, time is the best cure for this, and dissect the dream for it's weirdness. Nightmares can give light to worries you've been having and may have pushed to the back of your mind to fester.
Think about the aspects that bothered you most and just why they did. There could be a corelated fear or anxiety your mind decided to associate with the show.
Or it could be you ate something that disagreed with you before sleeping. The human body is a total mess that can do weird things for seemingly no reason.

If you will indulge me, I have a theory as to why you dreamed this.

Perhaps you are worried that MLP is going to drive itself into the ground, and that this will cause the fandom to sour, depriving you of a way to connect with others, and perhaps causing some friendships you already have to fade.

If this is how you feel, try to remember a few things:

1 Just because the later series does badly does not mean that you can't bond with people over your love of the earlier series.

2 Just because you initually bonded with someone over MLP does not mean you can't find other things to do with them.

This comment is late and weird, but I hope it helps.

7941287 I had have a couple bad experiences with diehard fans of MLP G5 unfortunately

Don’t worry about it screw them, who cares about them, I certainly wouldn’t.

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