The Fluttershy Fan Club 734 members · 1,048 stories
Comments ( 73 )
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Slip Kid
Group Admin

This thread right here is the place to introduce yourself, and tell everyone a little bit about who you are; I'll start.

Hi! I'm Slip Kid (as you might have guessed) and I hail from Great Britain (:moustache:). I'm somewhere in my teens and I enjoy sports, music (so, so much music :yay:) and writing. I also hate most, if not all, invertebrates; because seriously, they're just... :fluttershyouch:

So, tell everyone a bit about yourself! :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

2176839 Well, I'm FlutterPal, the founder of this Group, and I am younger than ten years old. I like to write, and I LOVE to draw. My favorite food is ice cream, and I live in the USA. Yeah, I'm FlutterPal!

2176839 I'm BloodyLastWords, I live in Arkansas, I love music, Japanese RPG's, and I'm 21. :twilightsmile:

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Wow, didn't know you're younger than ten. :pinkiegasp:


Hiho, my name is Nodoga:rainbowkiss:

I'm 18, live in germany (no, I'm not a nazi).
I like music, games and tons of other stuff.

I'm also ran out of ideas about what to say about me.

Group Admin

2176908 It's a surprising fact to everyone.:rainbowlaugh:

Slip Kid
Group Admin


How many people have you told?

Hi I'm silver mist I live in merica I'm 17 I like anime in anti social in real life and my OC is princesse Luna's apprentice she makes dreams I have a group where people put the dreams in the form of stories it only has 2 members Derpy and fluttershy are tied for my favorite pony

Group Admin

2176947 Three-ish... Only one probably remembers, though.

Slip Kid
Group Admin

2176908 Howdy! Question: one of my favourite bands is from overseas, also. Asking Alexandria- are you familiar with them?

2176839 I'm some guy who lives in some place. I'm 15 and I read a fic where Fluttershy made out with a bowl of soup.

Hi, You can call me Mysterious or Stranger, I'm 22 and I love writing fics, altgough I'm only good writing romance :twilightsheepish:
Anyway, I'm an Argentinian GUY whose favorite pony is Fluttershy! :yay:

2176839 Um... I'm AtomicMuffin. I'm from the American Deep South. I am basically the human incarnation of Big Macintosh. I've worked on farms a good portion of my life, but I have since left the farm for the big city, graduated from college, and am now a teacher. I'm 22 years old, like to drink and attend parties. In my spare time, I enjoy writing stories about multicolored miniature equines. :pinkiesmile:

I'm Nightingale95, or Night for short. I live in Minnesota, I like music, video games, and literature of all kinds; not to mention pastel colored ponies:yay:

Under 10 years old, and founder of a rather successful FIMFic group? Not bad, rather impressive actually:ajsmug:

Slip Kid
Group Admin


I can't say I am, what kind of music do they do?

Slip Kid
Group Admin
Slip Kid
Group Admin


Sounds pretty good, mate! :pinkiehappy:

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Well, hello again :pinkiecrazy:

Told you I would be following you:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Slip Kid
Group Admin

2177379 Rock. Maybe a little on the heavier side. Definitely worth your time to check out :pinkiesmile:

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Yeah, I think I will!

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin


I also hate most, if not all, invertebrates

There are a lot of aquatic arthropods that are quite tasty, so I wouldn't knock all invertebrates if I were you...


I am younger than ten years old.

:pinkiegasp: Nuh-uh!


I live in Arkansas

Speaking as someone who grew up in Pine Bluff, I sincerely hope you're in one of the nicer areas.

I'm Elric. I live in Denver, Colorado, USA. I'm noticeably older than everyone else in this thread so far. I do some writing, I've done some editing for a few people, I've designed banners for a few groups, and I'm an admin for a few groups. Not sure what else anyone might want to know, but I'm usually open to answering questions.

Slip Kid
Group Admin


There are a lot of aquatic arthropods that are quite tasty, so I wouldn't knock all invertebrates if I were you...

I just can't get past how they look, at most I'll eat de-shelled shrimp and well done calamari.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

You're depriving yourself of some yummy treats! It reminds me of an ex-girlfriend of mine who lives in the Pacific Northwest (up around Seattle, if that means anything to you). She wouldn't even eat shrimp; she called 'em "sea bugs". I told her that living on the coast was wasted on her...

2177788 I live in Bentonville. Its alright

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Oh yeah, there are far worse places to be than the capital of the Wal-Mart Empire.

Group Admin


Slip Kid
Group Admin


Yeah, their appearance just creeps me right out; too many legs and too many eyes. Some octopi (otopodes? Whatever) are kinda okay though.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I don't know. Laughs, maybe?
Calm down, have some Fluttershy. That was shock, not an accusation.

Group Admin

2177936 Ok, now try to guess what age I am! Not really. But the shocker is that I have more than thirty followers and ten stories already posted on the site. ME HAPPY!

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I'm going to go with nine. A nine-year-old with a better grasp of grammar and spelling than many FIMFiction users twice her age. :pinkiehappy:

2177856 Yea, plus we're right next to the Crystal Bridges art museum, also funded by the walmart owners

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

I've heard of it, and heard good things about it. (I have friends back there after being out of touch for years and years, so hooray for Facebook.)

2176839 You're British!:pinkiegasp:

Myself? Well...
I'm a furry. And a writer. No I don't wear a fur-suit. That's just a sub-culture.
Like the anthro-lovers for bronies!

Also, I'm the guy with the long titles.

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Where did you think I was from?

*checks story list*

dat last one

2178489 America.
Because I'm American.
And an ass.
(America! F:yay:ck Yeah!)

2178495 Glad you like it.:twilightsmile:

2178536 I was referring to the length of the title.

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Ew... American. :trollestia:

2178561 My first story's title is longer.

2178575 Oh come on, it's not like I have sexual relations with animals.
...Well.... Nope, not with animals.

2178575 Speaking of the above comment, would you like a mostly clean penguin?

Slip Kid
Group Admin


No, take your sullied penguin somewhere else...

Slip Kid
Group Admin


Goddamn it, I'm feeling so torn right now...

Hi, I'm CheeswedgeFTW. I live in California, United States and I am of 15 years of age, almost 16. My favorite past-times incude reading stories, playing videogames and listening to music, techno preferably. I am an avid Fluttershy fan and geek extraordinare.
I also like mudkipz!:pinkiecrazy:

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