Constitutionalist Bronies 80 members · 17 stories
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There was extreme reaction to a tasteless joke and a subsequent flamebait on the 9/11 thread.

I understand that there is a reason why they're called "tasteless jokes" and "flame-baiting"; they're usually extremely offensive remarks.

However, people who tell tasteless jokes tend to have a 25-50% chance at wanted to anger people, and people who flamebait have a tendency to have a 75-100% chance at trying to offend people. If you react with curse words and rage, you're just playing into their hands.

Typically, when people write remarks I find offensive, I do any of the following choices:
I would either:
1. Ignore them
2. Downvote them
3. Write a simple reasonable argument explaining how I'd feel about it
4. Write a complex reasonable argument explaining why that person's remark is offensive
5. Josh with that person.

Reacting by calling people names and insulting them is just a sign that you're offended, and that's how they want you to react. If you're that angry, which I bet some of you genuinely were, try to stay away from the thread, until you are clam enough to react with any of the above methods. I know how you feel, but you can't always react with that much anger. Sadly, more than two-thirds of our topics are going to attract trolls. Fortunately, flaming and trolling are not permitted, and so the causes of offense have been banned.

That's something else you can do. If you don't like the way some people act, then tell me, and I'll do something about it. Maybe I'll demote them, maybe I'll ban them, maybe I'll just have a little talk. But if it's serious enough, then I'll do something about it.

I feel that as a nation, enough time has passed that we can learn to laugh again.

If we can't laugh, we can't heal.

Group Contributor

Even though that may be a coping skill people use, laughing about a mass of people dying isn't a laughing matter honestly.

Aryame #4 · Jun 7th, 2014 · · 3 ·

I can understand what you mean to an extent. In certain cases, I mean. The Holocaust, for example. There's nothing funny about the Holocaust. My grandfather died in that.

He fell off a guard tower.

Group Contributor

uh huh. That's interesting to say the least.

3342228 There is no contact between point A and point B; the joke simply flies into space like a rocket.

3341334 That's fucked up.

Careful, I think that might have been a joke; a slightly tasteless joke, but a joke nonetheless.

Comment posted by Master-Chief deleted Jun 13th, 2014
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