Constitutionalist Bronies 80 members · 17 stories
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Watch this, I mean really, watch this.

They questioned how much she deserved her possible new position and initially denied it from her...because she was Jewish. This is an insane and utterly evil form of discrimination that no person should even have to face in this country, but sadly some do anyway.

If you want my personal thoughts on this, I have to tell you that this is absolutely horrible, and worse still, this sort of thing is actually not unheard of. I had to put up against complaints about how the "Jews run America" and other bullshit complaints from some of my own teachers. I kept alerting my teacher about this attitude of his and how it may be hurtful, and ironically, he laughed it off and just told me that nobody's unbiased. He was right about the "nobody's unbiased" bit of course, so if that's what professors teach, tell you that nobody's unbiased, why did these asshats demand that the judicial board be unbiased? Why not pool a bunch of people of varying backgrounds and views and concoct the most diverse board of all? Why descriminate against somebody for risk of "bias"? Wouldn't discrimination be partiality in the first place? Also, back to my Anthro teacher, why be so butthurt that Jews may put their worldviews throughout the media, which is fine with me anyway because we have a lot of worldviews from all kinds of religions and cultures in our media. There are insane amounts of anger and paranoia towards Jews in American academia. Why is that?

Apparently, part of it is because of Israel's settlement policies, and while the Israelis are not exactly innocent, I have to agree, but the fact of the matter is, neither are the Palestinians: The Palestinians were in fact offered several peace treaties by the Israelis, and they responded with general hostility and sometimes rockets each time, so making Jews to be bad guys and Palestinians to be good guys is really an oversimplification, not taking the simple fact into account that war is Hell and most of the time nobody is perfectly innocent. I'm guessing the reason why some say that "the Jews run America" is because some people noted how the war there really works and say so, and people who deny the facts are butthurt about it and assume it's because all Americans have been blinded by "Jewish propaganda".

Not only that, but mistrusting all Jews because of one distant country's dumb policies is like hating all Catholics because of Italy, or perhaps hating all Roma because of Bulgaria. It's mindless bigotry. Even though Jews are hardly a "race" if there even is such a thing whatsoever, Antisemitism is still essentially a form of racism because it tends to indiscriminately hate every single person who identifies as Jewish, and thus it tends to extend to entire communities that make up large and important parts of some countries, and even a whole country as well!

Wait... is this your school???

I'm referring to two of them. One is mine, it goes unnamed, and the other is the rather nearby UCLA.

You know, it occurred to me that discriminating against people for being Jewish would be in direct violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

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