Pinkie Pie's Smile Party Association 393 members · 628 stories
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Group Admin

closing in on the next season, How are ya holding on?

o3o I'm just watching those youtube fan voice actors.


4195277 So far, GTA Heists are keeping me occupied until the next season, so there's one thing.

Group Admin


GTA is always good for dropping some time into.
good show Loyal!

Need to get more popcorn ready for go time.

4195277 I collect the discs as they get available on my location and watch the show.
There are a few good PMVs, episodes and other related materials available on the Tubie, even to this day.

Otherwise, I am working on a story including the pink Mare, even if she currently is not planning any parties.
At least, not openly. I imagine partying is constantly on her mind, even when she doesn't say or make overt refferences to the effect?

Group Admin

Of course its always party time with pinkie!

Her clock has party in every direction~

>:3 Ohh I bet your story is just grand! especially if its about pinks!

How many cupcakes can Cup Cake bake? If Cup Cake could bake cupcakes?

4195413 She is the PIlote in thisEpisode ;)

Guess if she made a clock, you would count balloons or cakes to see what time it was?

I hope it will be, once I get into the thick of the story.

She bakes anything and everything, as many as you need, when you need them.
The problem is that she can swallow an entire cake, and not even leave a trace as to where the cake went.
She did it in Canon show, *tease tease*

How about a balloon cupcake?

Just been loving this show. :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Ohhh that issss a great show!

I loved the ep where they made fun of streetfighter xD

4195277 Holding on, two hands, a rope, a couple of blisters, over a 120 meter abyss.
Stuff sux but I think I'm okay. xD

looooootsa clop

Group Admin


Looks Like your a super hero.

cuz I be ded by now.

Cliiiiiiiiifffffffff Hangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

I'm holding up good.spending none-pony time creating a deeper connection to my faith...and you?

Group Admin

That's one way to do it.
Keep tapping that floor.

I can't tell if that was an innuendo or a joke making my statement innocent.

Group Admin


Good to see you doing Great keam!

recently been playing games like League

4197810 Well, it's good to see you're doing good, ot.

4197684 I think these Ponies is my faith. Making any sense?
4197601 sounds like Good fun, right there ..

damn right it is.:rainbowwild:

4200621 Pinkie Pie is right, you need fun and friends.
As to that, yeah.
If clipperty clop holds you up, it is the right way to go.

Yes, I'd belive so.

4197694 Just hope for the best.

4197683 Naw.
I'm just Shmexy.
I'm beautifulllllllllllllll---*falls off rope*

i'll do just that

4201770 Yes. *Clopping in the background*
What? No I didn't hear anything.

do not pretend you are not a horny clopper.
everybody is a horny clopper.

4201811 Those unicorns just love trotting around don't they.

4201394 oh, and that suit does look absolutely Fabulous.
Guess I have to make a Rare comment, with my Avatar and all.
4201811 *giggles* most every Pony who claimes it is merely a liar ..
4201835 ah, yeah ..

4204868 suit? You mean the dress my OC have in my avatar? It's a special dress from my country! :)

4205035 oh, semii likes of that, right?

4207187 Run that by me again miss :3

4208121 You look as if you could use a moment of Pinkie and jolly laughter. Even if I guess looks can lead you astray on occasions like this.

I am after all new here, so if I miss or mess up details :scootangel:

4208158 I'm not sure what you're proposing...:applejackunsure: Or what you are relating the proposal too. I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious.

4208176 Yay + avatar face for a starters?
On the other hoof, who doesn't need a good laugh and a jolly good time, which is exactly what Pinkie Pie is all about?

Missing something important? We all do that, constantly.

If you can't go to Ponyville, but we could still have most of the fun, either way? what is preventing us?

4208218 Did I do something wrong?

4208254 I don't think so, but what do I know. I am just the new gall on the block, I havne't been around for all that long.

4208587 I'm very confused.

4209635 not sure if that is good ..
Well, you didn't do anything wrong by me.

If you did by others, they are sure to storm in and bust your butt over it.
Just the way some people are, isn't it?

Untill then, have a Muffin, a glass of cider and smile, will you?

4210998 "Free Muffins for all!" Princess Pinkie Pie exclaimed, just after her corronation.
of course, her subject all cheered in glee.. :pinkiesmile:

4211016 Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot heard as Pinkie was suddenly struck down. The crowd split in two to let a pony through. It was a mare, her coat grey, but most of her was covered in a cloak. She got up on the stand of which Pinkie once stood, and took off her hood revealing a yellow mane, and two crossed yellow eyes. She opened her mouth to speak.

aglistering black equine form moves out of the crowd, laughing maniacally;
"We could build a castle of Muffin for you, and still leave more than enough free Muffins for you, while theother Ponies choke on the avalanshe of Muffins swamping the realm of Equestria!" she then exclaimed, before resuming her laughter, just louder than before.

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