The Sympathy for Background Ponies Society 399 members · 1,015 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

To clop, or not to clop; that is the question. In other words, do we need a folder for those stories?

Some people are against it, some are for it. Me, I'm pretty much neutral on the subject. Our founder doesn't have an interest in such stories, but is willing to allow them in the group. So why discuss the topic at all? Numbers. Adding a clop folder would allow for more stories to be added to the group, and it may help us bring in some more members.

What do you think? Does the group need a clop folder?

As a side question, can you think of any other folders we might want or need?

I dont read clop, so no.

2534763 I don't think there is any harm in adding it. I say do it, just make sure to explicitly label it NSFW. :twilightsmile:

Sure, why not. Background ponies also have sexual lives...


If people have their mature filters blocking out the mature fics, they won't see any difference in the notifications, so there's really no reason not to add the folder beyond "Oh, I don't like that kind of thing, therefore no one else should."

No, background ponies are capable of partaking in sexual activities, there's no reason why it wouldn't belong here.

A folder dedicated to such stories does not seem like a bad idea to me. With the option of a filter and the choice to not go into the folder, I can't see why members of group would be upset if if were created.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

So far we have four in favor and one against, so it's looking like naughty background may soon have a place to play.
I plan on allowing at least another few hours for opinions, though...

It dosen't mater to me as long. as I can avoid it and it's contense. I don't reda clop and most of My friends agree that it is disgusinf to be a cloper at our age and try to avoid clopers. So make clop folder,but make sure it is Easy to avoid it, please!:twilightsmile:

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

Well, it's not like the idea is to hide it somewhere. It's going to be clearly marked so people can avoid it -- or quietly sneak in to look around -- as they please.

Elric of Melnipony
Group Admin

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The new folder has been set up. I've put in place at the end of the list of folders, and it's actually called "NSFW Background Ponies", so the odds of the unwary stumbling into it are very low indeed.

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