A Helping Hoof 74 members · 474 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Group Admin

I've really been dreading the moment I'd have to put up this post, but it's become apparent that we have some pretty big issues on our hooves.

*DEAP BREATH :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:*

We've really been having some trouble with group so far, mainly with the rules. I don't really have any authority to directly enforce these rules, so I'm hoping you guys follow along with what I'm about to say:

1. Everypony is not giving their fair share. We really wanted to use this group not only as a spring board, but also as a support section to assist those needing promotion and advice. Unfortunately, it feels that this is not being put into practice as much as I hoped it would. I can't control you guys, but I really hope that we can all come together and spread help around wherever it's needed. Seriously, this is why this group was founded, so we really need to act on it.

2. I've seen a handful of stories posted in our folders that don't really fit the credentials of "needing help". Whether they have an excessive amount of views or an ample influx of likes, this does not meet our founding principle of helping out the little guy.

Well, that's all she wrote. I'm sorry about posting such a negative message for ya'll but these really have been some grating problems for all of us. Hopefully we can get over these minor growing pains and move onto a brighter future for all us aspiring writers. Good night! :pinkiehappy:

Sorry about not being able to do much about reading other peoples' stories, but my internet has been down for about two or three weeks now and there's only so much I can do at school. Sorry everypony :applecry:

Group Admin

2397811 No, please don't blame yourself. I made this group in expectation that everypony joining would be as willing as I am to get promoted and try to help promote others. Unfortunately I was wrong about this and a majority of people here don't even have the effort to read these forum posts. Your already helping the group immensely by responding and collaborating with everypony else, bringing us one step closer to the heartfelt community that I was hoping we'd eventually obtain. Thank you so much responding, it truly means a lot. :pinkiesad2:

Finals are up so I now have more freedom participate in the group. expect me to start making the rounds later today.

Group Admin

2410836 :pinkiesad2: Thank you...just...thank you

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