A Helping Hoof 74 members · 474 stories
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It's been bit since we had a social post (what like, two weeks?), and it seems we must fill this gap in interaction with *dramatic pause* more interaction! So, we gots a couple of questions for anypony willing to answer, pertaining to the long break that some people have off for this holiday (mostly Christmas) season!
1. What have you done?
2 What do you want to do?
3. Any exciting stories?

I'll start things off *AHEM*
1. Mostly hung around. Off course my family and I did the normal activities off visiting and hanging out with our extended family. Other than that I've been reading, writing, and fooling around with WWE Allstars and Command and Conquer 3. I'm also getting into SWOTOR, but I'm worried it might turn into the next Runescape for me...

2. I really want to work on the fics more, I feel like with all this free time I've just used it as an excuse to gam more than normal. Hopefully I can break this, hopefully.

3. My brother (who recently came back from college) totaled my Dad's car after sliding on ice. He didn't get hurt and neither did the car's outside infrastructure but the internal stuff is really messed up. My parents weren't as mad as I thought the would be (unfortunately) so my brother got off basically without any real punishment.

Well, that's about it. What's going on with you guys?

1. Well my break has been pretty good so far. I've hanging out with my friends a lot, and have been playing too much Fallout 3, I really need to work on Dreams and The Fall of the Night... but, as I said earlier, I've gaming and hanging out with friends a little too much, but I'm going to try to finish writing The Fall of the Night by the time Christmas Break is over .
2. I mainly want to finish The Fall of the Night and probably will by the time Christmas Break is over... hopefully...
3. I haven't done too much this Christmas Break... who needs lives :P I hope you all have/had an awesome Christmas Break.

I got an iPad mini for Christmas and plan on using it to write my stories. Having no internet at home sucks. Just a few more weeks and I get it back. Living off of public wifi makes me see the world differently.............I need a life. :P JK, who needs friends when you have the internet.

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