The MLP Fan Club!!!! 370 members · 2,020 stories
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Name's UniqueSKD, but you can call me 'Dickhead', 'Asshole', and my personal favorite nickname, 'Retard'. This avatar is my awesome OC and best friend, Unique. No clue what this group is about, I didn't read the info on the main page, and I don't much care to go back ad do so, but whatever you guys do here I hope it's pretty cool, and I look forward to hanging out here for a week or two before you decide I don't belong here and throw me out.

So in that short space of time, I hope to make a few friends before then! Unique rules cause' he's so handsome and strong and sexy and all other OC ponies love him but his creator UniqueSKD is a douchebag, huh...

3918526 Hi! :pinkiehappy: I'm TMF, Tennis, or Tennis Match Fan, and I love your avatar! :pinkiehappy:

3918554 I drew it. Commissions are too expensive for me right now. Nice human avatar, sir/madam.

3918560 You're an awesome artist, then! :pinkiesmile: Thank you! (i am a Madame :D) :pinkiehappy:

3918576 (kisses your hand) A pleasure to meet you then, madam.

Yeah, I'm British. Hope that doesn't put you off. I know I'd be put off in your position. XD

3918589 No, not at all! :twilightsmile: Pleasure to meet you as well.

3918593 I'm not leading you on. I already have a crush on another lady so you know...

There was no need for me to say that, was there?

This is how I earned the nickname 'retard'. Ah well. Goodnight to you, madam. It's late here and I need sleep. Hope to talk again soon!

3918613 LOL I have a crush on another guy too. :twilightsmile: Goodnight!

3918789 Um, I'm a dude, and I actually have a crush on a GIRL. XD But hey, easy mistake to make right?

3919269 Oh, yeah yeah, I knew that, I just meant I have a crush, gender aside. :twilightblush:

Cerulean Swirl
Group Admin

3918526 Name's Swirl, Cerulean Swirl!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:
It is my pleasure and my honor to welcome you to the club. You will be accepted here, and I will see to it that no crude nicknames will be given to you lest they wish to stay in my club. :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile: You are welcome here! I hope you will find it to your liking. :rainbowwild:

3949528 I actually forgot I joined this group. XD Thanks for reminding me!

Cerulean Swirl
Group Admin

3949577 But of course! :pinkiehappy: My pleasure, of course.

3949592 I've had a lot of stuff on my mind lately. I just forgot about it. I'm trying to make an MLP parody animation but current events and struggling to find voice actors as well as time to draw up the scenes is making things hard. But I've sworn to make this year the year that I and my follower/subscribers take the first step forward to getting our turn in the spotlight of this fandom. And UniqueSKD DOESN'T quit on his ambitions so easily.

Sorry, there was no need to write that out, but I already did so deal with it. XD

What ambitions have you for this year? I also hope to meet and date a girl I've become smitten with as well as my other dream.

Cerulean Swirl
Group Admin

3949596 Best of luck!! If you should ever need my help, I am here. :pinkiehappy: And it's good that you don't give up. Always an admirable quality.

I shall. :pinkiehappy:

Also, good luck to this as well. I do hope she returns your feelings!! Then I may fangirl over your relationship in a non-creepy way. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:
I hope to do more contests and become closer with my boyfriend. :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

3949647 Ah. So you have a special somebody, eh?

I envy that a lot. Freaks like myself do not really have much luck in that department. I've only spoken to this girl through this site. She's one of the few girls I know of who is British and does exist since I've sent her chocolates for Christmas.

However lately she hasn't been responding to my messages, and I've been worrying about her well-being for the past two weeks. I want to believe there's nothing wrong, but I've never communicated with a girl who likes me for me, so this is something I don't want to lose so soon.

Anyways, I won't bore you with details. I need to get some sleep soon. It's gone well past midnight. I got a lot of stuff to do this month before it's over, and I want to make sure everything goes well.

By the way, if you ever would like to audition for a role in my current animation project, or you know somebody who would like to have a try, PLEASE let me know or send them my way. I would appreciate whatever help I can get. Thank you very much madam. Be safe and well, wherever in the world you are right now.

And my congratulations and blessings to you and your boyfriend. Relationships are unions which many abuse or take for granted. See to it he treats you right, madam. (bows politely)

Cerulean Swirl
Group Admin

3949677 Okay.....but one more thing.
I must tell you, if there is something in this world that I hate more than stereotypes, it is down-talking, especially on oneself.
Though I may not know you, and know that it isn't my place to say, YOU. ARE. NOT. A. FREAK.
You deserve love and attention just as much as the next guy. If you are going to talk bad about yourself and say dishonest things, then I pray you will do so outside of my knowledge, because I don't like to read it.
I would wish you luck again with your lady friend, but I would also like to say that you don't need it. You are special the way you are, and if she likes you for you, then I see no reason why I should cloud your head with luck. You have a shot.
You are also lucky that she lives in the same country as you; most relationships I know of cannot have your fortune.
You will NEVER bother me at all with your tales. In fact, I long to hear of them. Let me know how I may be of assistance to you. I wish nothing more than to see you happy, as creepy or as non creepy as this may sound to you. I will be loyal to you as a friend, just like any good friend should be. I swear this.
I will see to it, then.
Also, good day to you, sir. I hope to speak more to you in the future. :pinkiehappy:

3949736 Oh no no...

I talk down to myself most times because I'm immune to it. And because I find that talking crap about myself gives me something to prove wrong. When I was very young, professional doctors in the medical field told my family I'd never learn to talk, walk, learn, or do anything. Several of those assholes actually got fired when I proved them all wrong and came out against all expectations.

Besides them, I've had people doubting me. I enjoy a challenge, and even when I lose the challenge, I get up and try again. I like to prove myself wrong when I call myself a failure. I't weird, but you'll find that I am a strange person. Hopefully though you'll also learn that behind my strangeness I am a good person.

Feel free to PM me if you ever want an honest opinion with something or you just want to talk. I make this offer to all my followers and friends, and few ever do, but I'm always open to helping others as best I can

It's part of my master plan for dominating the MLP fandom and becoming the next big Brony SUPERSTAR. xd

Now I really need to get some sleep. XD See you another day or night, madam. :)

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