The Hero... King Sombra? 740 members · 255 stories
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I just got done with a story I was writing. a very positive view on Sombra which actually promoted me to come searching for a good sombra group.
Now it is also a wee bit of a romance with what has to be the strangest Ship I have ever come to enjoy. And honestly it worked. it worked REALLY very well ^_^
Anyone want to either guess at who I put him with or share some of the more strange ponies you ship him with?

5034650 I shipped him with a changeling once.

A male one.

In a fic that's ponified Terraria.

And Sombra was Skeletron.

Edit: And the changeling was the main hero.

5034652 lol I guess that is kinda strange but not many people see evil character's with evil characters as strange... or powerful evil with powerful good.
Heck mine is so rare that I honestly cant find even the option to find both characters in the same story on fimfiction. I might be the very first person to have both those character tabs in the same story

5034654 Let's hear it, then.

Sombra/a toaster?

LOL XD no... even that would be more common than what I put in XD
and its actually a character that can be tagged specifically.

lol and so far everyone who preread it for me sat for about ten minutes with the :rainbowderp: da fuq? face XD.
But then they read it and squee so its a good sign, I really hope people wont be put off by the tags, I just want people to read it and see how it is. It was a lot of fun to write.
side note here I think someone did ship Sombra and a toaster. or it was nightmare moon and a toaster... I cant remember.

No the character with Sombra is Derpy.


No the character with Sombra is Derpy.

...No one's ever done that before?

They've shipped #SmexySambra with that pink, poofy-maned cunt, but they haven't done it with Bubble Butt yet?

This is an outrage.

5034663 LOL Ive been searching for hours and I cant find anything on it XD
The advanced search engine wont even let me put the two character tags together. Wont give me an option.

Though lol my story is actually a serious one and not a silly bit or an out of character type. It's a very nice one ^_^

5034664 K den.

I just published a one-shot fic with Sombra and a Crystal Pony.

I actually noticed that one ^_^ it looks really sweet. Imma put it on my to do list ^_^

5034667 K den.

Make sure to read the prequel so that it makes any sense.

5034674 aye is it the one with just the crystal pony?

5034680 Yeh.

Just to make sure we're talking about the right fic, though, her name's Lapis Lazuli.

yes that one... I put them on my to read list
oh and holy balls.... it took less than like 30 minutes for my story to be approved OwO

5034693 Yeah same here. Meeester got it done fast.

lol is he the super fast one of the moderators or did he just kinda "meh not in the mood to do this 'auto approved!!!"

5034710 I'm going with the latter. I have evidence that this website and this website alone forged him into the sour bitch he is today.

5034724 I see lol
and wow... already my story is getting some hate. By the time it was fully available it instantly got a down vote, before anyone could even read the damned thing lol
Wish people would read before voting.....

5034727 That sucks.

Mine's complete shit, but it got an upvote before it even got a read.

5034728 well we cant really complain about that can we? lol

5034730 I just wish someone would leave me a legitimate comment and review.

yeah lol. Ill make sure to do so when I read ^_^
its kinda my thing. I love stories for the sake of stories... I make for a very good content editor as far as story interest goes. Im good at telling stories just horrible at grammar and pop culture XD

5034734 My story's so beyond rushed I can't even believe it. It went from 588 words to 2440 in a snap.

5034735 well some of my best work is done in the blink of an eye. Once Im in the zone the quality work just flows out. Its when I CANT write fast that my stories suffer. Then again I dont think there is ANYTHING about me that is normal XD

5034735 Just started on saved by a Tyrant. I do like the writing style so far. Imma nibble on this for a bit in between my work

i'd ship him with Macarena (fem-Big Mac) to me if anybody would give Sombra a chance it would be her i even made fan art of them her take a look!

i also did one were Macarena (fem-Big Mac) a warrior princess fighting alongside Sombra take a look.

5034801 aww that is cute >w<
Hopefully your story is getting more love than mine. Im getting a lot of hate right away without them even reading it.
I have it open constantly and refresh the page every few minutes yet the thumbs downs keep coming without anyone actually reading it.
be careful if you make that into a story...

i think your ship is cute!

5034896 awww thanks ^_^
The story itself is actually very important to me. Each piece kinda represents a point in my life. Most of the words back and forth are words that either were told to me or I told to someone else. or both.
It has a lot of significance and it was one of those that was really hard to write due to some of the more personal issues I faced. But its up and its awesome and you are right... it is really cute >w<

you have a gift if you like your Strangest Sombra ships then it's a grate ship just be yourself and everything will be good all that maters is that you like it.

5037381 not very odd but lol I guess that works XD so long as it s not clop Ill give it a read

5037403 ah then you can count on me to be there for help and views ^w^

5037441 aww thanks ^_^
It is getting a TON of hate,
You see all those dislikes
MOST of them came from before anyone even read it. When it was published I actually sat inside the story and watched the live reader count. The first likes came in after people actually entered it and the reader count went up. The dislikes mostly came when no one read it.
Then those two showed up barely glanced over it and decided to "inform" me that my story was trash for this four page long list of reasons. 90% of which was actually either extremely petty or utterly wrong.
Then they had legitimate gripes like Grammar that I know Im bad at XD
But still. I hate trolls...why cant they get off on downvoting someone else's story TwT

5037549 yeah...
It would be easier to deal with if they were competent trolls but ... they really aren't. they are the "Holier than thou" "I dont need to actually read your content to tell it sucks" type of troll.
They glance over and just start whining.
They complained that Sombra did a 180 with evil now Im not thing.
if they assumed that they did not even read the thing to see that it was a possessed darkness bit. Bleh... I hate trolls but stupid trolls are even worse

5037927 lol Actually one of my friends wrote his only fic which was about a pony who was contacted by Freddie Mercury to kill all the trolls. XD
it was actually very funny. I mean he is a terrible writer but the whole thing was adorable and hilarious

lol its kinda a mess. Short and silly but lol if you like Freddie Mercury then its awesome XD

5056663 lol I am sure hes glad you enjoyed it XD
5056707 lol that is cute XD

You guys are all forgetting about the greatest crackships of All time

Maud Pie x King Sombra...

(I ship it so hard that I'm the one who Founded the MaudBra Group on this website)

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