The Hero... King Sombra? 740 members · 255 stories
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In light of the "hero" king sombra idea.
What is your favorite take on why he is in the positive light?
perhaps the misunderstood route
the justified route?
the never really evil route?
so... why is your Sombra a hero?

5035589 My headcanon is that Sombra was a good pony dragged down by bad things. The magical crystals he got his powers from were nothing more than power-infused drugs, and he was madly addicted to them. What do I mean by "addicted?"

Well, let's compare the crystals to crystal meth. You know the shit meth heads will do to get their hands on some more? Sombra's addiction made them look like diplomatic negotiators.

And with an addiction that bad, and to a drug that gives you genuine magical power, he was bound to start using others to feed his addiction. Eventually, he ended up enslaving the entire Crystal Empire, up until he was defeated by the Mane 6.

ah that is kinda sadder than mine... but still as interesting ^_^
My theory was that he was your usual every day pony who was raised to be a king. He was just kinda meh. but at the same time he was still raised right and had good morals and values. Kinda like a gallant prince charming. just without the frillies and the warm charming smiles or the confidence. Namely the confidence. When his father died and he ascended to the throne he kinda got really worried. He had to protect the empire at all costs. But he did not have the power it took to stand as equals to any neighboring countries. The only thing they did have was the crystal heart which is as we all know EXTREMELY powerful. (spoilers to my story by the way lol ) so he worked with his advisers and wizards so to speak finally he decided to link himself with the crystal heart so he could draw on the same massive power that the heart did. Unfortunately the crystal heart takes that power and turns it into love. He was in essence exchanging the crystal heart for his own heart which at the time did not know what love was, did not fully understand it. Having no love the power just grabbed hold of what was left in his heart. Fear that he would lose the empire, fear that he could not defend his people, fear that he could not fit in his father's shoes. Fear. That fear became the focal point to the power he then shared with the heart. Which is why he tried so hard to keep the heart away from anyone who could use it. the entity of fear he became knew that he was just taking what belonged to the heart. If the heart was used against him it would effortlessly defeat him.

5036212 That's quite interesting.

I must ask, where did you get this idea? I made mine up simply because I wanted a way to redeem Sombra after watching him get defeated in S3.

Just imagining his final moments of fleeting terror right before he literally shattered... *Shudder* Poor guy.

To be honest.. its a personal thing. I am a very large person, and I dont mean fat. there was a point in my life where I had to choose between what was right and forcing those around me to obey. The power in mention is kinda a reference towards my own physical might. Had I fed into it and reveled in that power it would not have ended well for me. The lines in my story

"My son.... power... is not the right to do what you please... " He looked up at his father, his tush still red, proper consequences for his actions. "Power is the responsibility to do what is right... and the privilege to do so with your own two hooves..."

was actually something my grandfather told me. I tried fighting him and got my ass kicked. and afterwards he told me that, I mean without the hooves and the pony stuff lol.
But it was a very important lesson for me and continues to be one I remember to this day

So yeah. I put sombra in a familiar light and it worked really well.

5035589 To me, Sombra is like Nakadai Mikoto from Abaranger. He's a supremely powerful badass of a villain because he's so powerful and highly intelligent that he's bored with the world. Gradually, he'll discover a reason to be good, but he will always top out as an Anti-hero at best, because that's just how he roles.

5036317 lol that is kinda a funny one. i like it XD less depressing than my version

5036322 It just made sense to me to make my favorite pony Villain be like my favorite Sentai Villain.

5036346 lol I have a character in my stories like that but hes far less... um.. predictable never really on one side or the other

so far we have crystal meth pony, possessed prince, and too awesome to care XD
anyone else got some we can add to the pile?

5036317 Regarding this headcanon...

If Sombra was the good guy, would he be the One Punch Stallion?

5036373 mix one punch with kinda an ancient Sith then yes... dark lord of the one punch

5036373 No. He could still die, but he'd basically run hell when he got their because the Devil would be scared sh!#less of him.

Kind of like my aforementioned inspiration, AbareKiller.

Strongest in all of hell.

5036400 So, pony Chuck Norris?

Old meme is old.

It would be funny if someone made a story on him being just super SUPER misunderstood. XD
*gets blown up, last words are screamed* "I just wanted to touch the heart... it looked pretty" >o<

5035589 Things fell apart and he lost his mind trying to save his Empire. Still did his best while he went insane, but he stared into the moral event horizon for too long in too short of a time to help the Empire without damning it along the way. Ok, that's my heroic Sombra so I'm not sure it counts but it beats my evil Sombra. He passively corrupts and warns about doing so, but very few f:yay:s are given. Also evil him has a nasty temper, but that's standard issue right?

5036428 "The conundrum 'What if an unstoppable force met an immovable object?' was answered when King Sombra punched himself in the face."

5036853 King sombra once killed a pony five times... bringing him back to life four times... because that pony had the audacity to die before Sombra was done killing him.

5037862 Trying to find a way to say some of the other jokes without resorting to crude humor XD

ok here is one.
Sombra is not allowed into small buildings, simply put his awesomeness is so immense that anything smaller than a castle instantly explodes when he sets one hoof inside.

5037901 A stallion was boarding a flight when he noticed Sombra on the same plane. Excited, he went to go over to talk to him, but when he said hello he accidentally called Sombra "Sombrero." Panicked, the stallion frantically began apologizing. Sombra politely forgave him, had a nice chat, and signed an autograph.

One year later, when the stallion's wife gave birth to a foal with glowing green eyes and sideburns, he knew he had no one to blame but himself.

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