The Hero... King Sombra? 740 members · 255 stories
Comments ( 15 )
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What do you say we change that?

Say good things about Sambra, damn you.

That was my thoughts hence my two threads.
They were just the beginning OwO

Sombra is best pony. :pinkiehappy: End of story! :rainbowkiss:

5036154 He's an undeniable badass and was the first pony of the show to actually beat Twilight twice. In the same episode, even! And both times it was with generic traps he'd placed thousands of years back! AND HE NEVER EVEN KNEW HE'D DONE IT!

He made Twilight Sparkle irrelevant.

5036304 HUZZAH!!!
lol I do love the whole dark king thing. always been a favorite troupe of mine

5036304 For some reason, I have a really easy time imaging Sombra as Arin from Game Grumps:

5036314 witch one is Arin?

5036335 The one with the deepest voice and the cynical attitude.

In the first and second skit, Arin's in both of them while Danny's in the first and Jon's in the second.

5036337 I can see it now.

"Why so mad, Sombra?"

"I'm trying to navigate and find my way but this fucking... world is infuriating."

"Well, no, man. There's a lot of landmarks to tell you where you are. Where you're at."

Sombra rolled his eyes. "Of course. Like, check these out. This is grey building, and... and this is salmon building."

"Correction, that's salmon building number—"

"And this is bridge number five... And this is tree, and tree two."

Flash snorted. "Nice to meet you, tree and tree two."

"And this is lady."

Flash Sentry made a weird gesture. "Fuckin' LAAAAADY!"

"And this is, um, the two orange stallions."

"They're just some gay changelings in disguise. They like to dreth the thame!"

Sombra did his best gay guy voice. "'We like to maaatch!'"

5036344 Is the the one screaming it's no use?

not very inactive now...less than 24 hours and bam like a hundred posts... still needs moar....

5036382 Yeah.


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