The Hero... King Sombra? 740 members · 255 stories
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So I was wondering what would happen if Sombra and Tirek faced off. Tirek has the ability to absorb magic (including chaos magic as seen with Discord) so would he be able to absorb Sombra's dark magic. Or would the king of shadows have the upper hoof? You thoughts?

EDIT: Also I just remembered that Sombra does have some magical abilities that seem to allow him to manipulate the minds of those around him, he doesn't even have to be nearby as seen with Twilight in the secret passage. Do you think these could work on Tirek? Perhaps imprisoning him in his own mind?

id think triek could absorb dark magic but it would probly hurt him badly.

I think Tirek would win. Depending how much magic Tirek has absorbed.

Sombra would use the dark crystals to stab Tirek into the chest, while Tirek is blasting crystals out his way.
Also Sombra could surround him with pure darkness and encrusted his horns with Sombra's black crystals, impairing his magic.

Tirek then gonna use hoofs to cause earthquake under his feets, blow Sombra's darkness away and then use his massive size to ram Sombra against the buildings. After recovering, Sombra summons more dark crystals to smashing into Tirek, releasing Sombra from his grasp.

6143593 Hmmm... Perhaps under the right circumstances Somra would be the best kind of Warden for Tirek. Prevent him from using magic, bound in chains and imprisoned within his own mind. Could be interesting.

I would guess that Dark Magic is poisonous to Tirek, Also... Sombra holds the advantage in intelligence, since Tirek's main strategy is just "Blast things with giant laser of magic."

While Tirek has raw power, he lacks intelligence.

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