Brony Discussion Center 116 members · 0 stories
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In other words, the Introduction Thread! (Because Rogues Gallery sounds so much more badass.)

I predict we'll get a lot of people posting frequently, so this thread serves as a means for new people to get to know some of the members in the group. Introduce yourself in whatever way you want—I don't judge.

As if I needed an excuse to use a Discord Gif.


I'm Obsidian, I make OCs and argue a lot. That's pretty much me in a nutshell.

Here, have a derpy :derpytongue2:

My name is Keam and I just LOVE disscusing MLP:FiM and will happily disscuse with other ponys out there!:pinkiehappy:


Let's see...
Name: [Kinda obvious, don't you think?]
Oh screw it I suck at these things anyways.

Hi! I like discussing things. I play games. I read stuff. And as you can see, if there was an award for most horrible introductions, i'd win it!
Have a picture to brighten up this "introduction" :trollestia:

^ Me quite often

Hello, I'm Stiggerzz.
I hail from the sunny shores of Terra Australis (Australia, to the uninformed) and I like ponies.

My interests include video games, music, piano playing, Tai Kwon Do as of recent, movies, British comedies and reading.

2295509 You never need an excuse to use a Discord gif. Ever. :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, intro, umm... ok, my name's Toni, I'm a teenage female brony - I hate the term of pegasister - and I like a lot of awesomely cool stuffs. My fandoms are far and wide, sometimes I can't even keep track of them! I've been a fan of MLP since I was little, I remember watching the older generations when I was a baby, but I've been into FiM for ... I dunno, ever since the Summer of 2012, I think. So about a little over a year???

I'm terribly shy IRL but online, I'm a bubbly open book. :moustache:

Basic shiz: I like to swear, I'm bisexual (with a preference for girls), I'm a bit of a doll dork, I guess you could call me a girly girl but I hate labels / stereotypes, I'm an avid supporter of all sorts of rights, and I hate overly religious people. I like both high heels and Converse, skirts and jeans, blood and gore vs. cute and fluffy - I'm like a delicious bag of Chex Mix, you never know what you're gonna get. (Also, now I'm craving Chex Mix, dammit!)

I've been a bookworm for as long as I can remember and I started writing fanfiction when I was probably about ten or eleven.

...Anyway, if I keep typing, we'll be here for a year and a half. :twilightoops::twilightblush:

If you wanna know more, just hit me up with a message - I'm always open to talk. :twilightsmile:

I am a horrible person. You don't want to know me.

I'm am polite, honest, and trustworthy.
I'm fairly good at "the grammars" and a decent critic.

I am also mildly insane.

I'm Nightingale,but everyone calls me Night.
A few of you may know me from other groups. For those of you who don't, I'm typically pretty laid back, and enjoy debating, but I'm not pushy.

Typically I'm open to discussing just about anything, but I am partial to things like MLP, video games, movies, and anime. I'm big into video games, and manga.

My name is Luminary, and I'm an alcoho—

Oh. Discussion group. Right.

Um, um. These are easier when one doesn't compulsively keep things like name, age, gender and such to oneself.

I like to talk, one would assume, due to being here. Probably out of a chronic need to hear myself speak. Or see myself type, I suppose. By and large, Lum likes to keep things in the zone from friendly to moderately sarcastic.

Also, I compulsively give in to picture posting fads.

2295509: Thanks again for the group
2295528: Thank you! I will treasure it always
2295531: Looking forward to it
2295546: What kind of games do you enjoy?
2295554: ^See above comment ^
2295555 Why do you need an excuse to do anything?
2295563 We will have to get to know each other (also, insanity is only a legal term, it has no definitions in the medical community)
2295567: Sounds like my kinda person
2295604: I don't think I have an awesome Discord gif :applecry:

I am Sketch Storm (I'm also on tumblr and deviantART for those parties interested)
I'm an artist and a writer, most notably a fan of Panty and Stocking and MLP (hence the avatar) I've also become a big fan of Kill la Kill as well.
At this point I've only written a one story, an adaptation of PSG & MLP called Magical Amicus, its a crazed high octane parody of everything you love and plays as loose with the rules as the show it's based on.

I branch out into other genres when I write all the time, I have plans for a fantasy epic, a dark origin story, a family friendly series of one shots, and a cyber punk/space opera, and those are just the pony related fiction, which operates a small portion of my mostly original body of work. You can just message me here on the sight, comment on my profile or send me something on my fiction related gmail account (


I am always open if you want to bounce ideas off of me, are stuck in a spot working on your story, or are unsure about character development or any other of the quirks of writing that drive us all insane.I've been writing for a long time and I have a lot of experience with writing (and grammar too) I'm not always timely since I don't have internet, but I will always try to give a helping hand

I hope to see you all in the future

Generally open worlds and sandboxes, thought I'm partial to the occasional rpg or third/first person shooter.

I also like games where stealth and/or strategy is involved.

We sound a lot alike in terms of taste! I love games with either a strong narrative backbone (like the Last of Us) or a pervasive freedom to make my own story (like Skyrim)

I have to say, I just rented Assassin's Creed IV, I haven't really been a big fan of the past one's. I played a little bit of them, but they just couldn't keep my attention. But this one, I LOVE IT, who knew that pirates worked so well with the genre? I'm hoping for a japanese ninja themed game next

Narratives are good, it's one of the reasons I like Bioshock Infinite as much as I do. And yes, freedom does appeal to me as well.

You know why it's so great? It's because, rather than being Assassin's Creed (Seriously, you're not even an Assassin. You just took the robes from one you kill at the start), it is the Pirates of The Carribean game that we always wanted, but never got.

And it is glorious.

Japanese would actually be pretty amazing.

I think I've seen you around a few times. I'm sure we'll get along great:twilightsmile:

And after that? Robots!

That way we could get the tri-fecta of Robots, Pirates and Ninjas!

Robots would open up the way for modern weaponry.
The last thing the AC franchise needs is modern weaponry. It would just turn into a third person shoot-em-up.

Honestly, the flintlock pistols and musket rifles of three and four are pushing it.

AHOY MATEYS! It be me- MrAskAPirate- here ta answer all yer questions what be piratical in nature! ARRRR!!! :flutterrage:

...Ok, not really, but what can I say: old habits die hard, :derpytongue2:

Um.... I'm just your average unicorn-riding space pirate. I'm actually not a big fan of arguing/intensely debating with anypony, so if you do find me in a thread expect my presence to be light-hearted and silly. Don't take anything I say too seriously (lord knows I don't, :trixieshiftright:).

Aside from grimdark or gory fics I've got pretty wide interests, and a story has to be pretty bad for me not to give it the green thumb.

Oh, since everypony else is doing it:

Honestly, I jest, as long as they have free running, hidden blades and historically accurate time pieces in some area of the world we will be good.

I would like to see history from a non-European centered time, like the Japanese suggestion, I think that would be a great break-away.

You got me on that one...but I think they already have aliens in the game. Albeit nebulously

Aye. Japanese would be pretty interesting.
Or they could go back to Syria.

Some people call me the space cowboy. Some call me the gangster of love.

Most call me MythrilMoth.

I'm 36, I'm a gamer, brony, and general-purpose geek for a variety of things. And I write.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its a pony!

I write stuff, slowly.

I'm a fantasy/adventure enthusiast. I'm generally willing to help out people with story ideas and willing to give opinions on their work. Give me a PM if you feel you'd like my opinion on a piece of writing.

Hobbies: Tabletop Gaming, RPGs (JRPGs in particular), reading of course, writing (aiming to do so professionally), running, walking, hiking, camping.

2295509 I'm colt alchemist, and there are some things that interest me. I like to read fanfics with a dark and brooding atmosphere and/or main character. I'm the kind of guy who likes video games that follow a great story, like Bioshock or Alice: Madness returns.

And I freaking LOVE Anime. My three favorites would have to be Black Butler, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and Attack on Titan!

I sometimes read. I sometimes write. I sometimes go to family reunions and hit on all the teenage girls.

When I'm not being a snarky bastard, I enjoy helping people with proofreading or editing, coming up with story ideas I'll probably never get around to writing, and trying to get back to being a snarky bastard.

My talents include:
-Nitpicking everything in existence
-Finding loopholes in gaming systems
-Not giving editors much to do

Things I'm terrible at include:
-Taking things seriously
-Running a group. Seriously. The tabletop gaming group is deader than my own sense of propriety.


Pretty much anything except RTSs. I play almost every other kind.
Especially games involving stealth, I love those to bits. Right now i've been mostly on Arkham Asylum, Planetside 2, TF2 and MAss Effect [Which is not mine]

What about you?

I just love using images, even if they're irrelevant :rainbowlaugh:

Mr. Joykill reporting for duty, ready to derail a thread at any time.
Woe is to the OP who suffers my most pretentious powers! :twistnerd:

That aside, I am curious as to how this group will developed.
I am tempted to submit a topic of my own, though I am hesitant since it is somewhat controversial, not to mention emotions might be riled up here.

Though fortunate favors the bold sometimes I suppose.


...Alexander Dragunovv And Alyx Von Schniell, coming... Late, again?

...Welp, since we're two in one, i'll make this quick.

...While me (Alexander), being a complete mix of Gentle-Stallion and a complete Psicho, i'm rather royal to... My family. Screw royalty! But yeah, i'll try to be nice to everypony while i'm breathing.

...And my cousin (Alyx), She's Smart (When she wants), Young and Innocent (Dare to touch her, you're a dead pony, i mean it :pinkiecrazy:). Her royalty's dedicated 50%-50% between the common pony, and her family (Since she hasn't seen the true side of Equestria...)

...And yeah. Feel free to PM your opinion, or if you're just bored. Untill then, fellow Bronie. :moustache:

Comment posted by Maggie PK deleted Dec 4th, 2013

I love stories with a strong narrative and a great, well thought out universe, like Mass Effect, which is one of my favorite games. I also like games like Skyrim and Fallout for their open world experiential based gameplay.
My favorite games of all time are the games that elicited the most emotion from me, Shadow of the Colossus was an ethereal greek tragedy shrouded in the midst of an empty barren land. The Last of Us, which was heartbreaking as it was beautiful, a tale of humanity crawling on its belly as its last bits of morality bleed out of it. And last, but not least, Journey, which is a masterpiece in minimalism and artwork in motion


How could I forget Fallout? HOW!? :facehoof:
Skyrim is awesome, too.
And speaking of Mass Effect, I just ordered 1 and 2 yesterday and my copies of it are to arrive either tomorrow or on Saturday :rainbowlaugh:
I only played about an hour of 1 before deciding I must have it.

The Last of Us i've yet to play as I don't own a console, I have to wait for a friend of mine to come down for the holidays to get my hands on that and GTA V.

2295509 I'm Rotorix.
From the The United States of America, ('Mareica!)

I like to talk, people hate my opinions, love Protoss (from Starcraft), enjoy listening to music (specifically electronic), and playing clarinet. I enjoy video games, and I speak two languages, and am currently learning Spanish.

I... write, sometimes... and update my stuff even less. :yay:

hello, I just joined because I don't really have anyone to talk to about the show and other thing about the fandom.

Hello. I just joined and found this, figuring I might as well pitch in.
I'm an avid reader with a particular interest in fanfiction. I also enjoy the occasional game and/or movie.
I'm willing to answer most of the questions anybody asks as long they don't delve too deep. (If you know what I mean)
As for writing, I'm not too anxious with that idea. I never have been too good at it.
I enjoy listening to different types of music, though have been becoming quite fond of dubstep and the like.
I enjoy debating and discussing different things with people because I find some enjoyment in it. I like to express my opinion and am eager to hear others.
So, I'm willing to see how this all plays out.

Yossu~ I'm Pinkamena_FP_Pie, but it's easier on everyone to either press reply or call me FP or Fierce Punch

I'm a 19 year old male and I've been a brony for about........what a year now?

I'm terrible at intros, sorry.

Anyways, I love animation in general, and I'm not the kind of guy to shy away from something just cause it's different.

Very open minded, and kinda crazy :pinkiecrazy:

I love dancing & music and partying and fruity drinks :raritystarry:

Oh and video games, especially Street Fighter. That takes up most of time, other than pony stuff

And exercise and dieting. Trying to get fit :eeyup:

as for my sexual preference.....I'm attracted to girls....mostly :raritywink: So overall I guess I'm just a weird guy but whatevers. I'm pretty laid back and I hate overly serious people. :trixieshiftright:

My sense of style is nice and respectable, like stuff off magazines like Esquire.

I love writing, drawing and singing.

Debates :rainbowlaugh:

Well, anyways.. Let's have fun!

Im ZAKARI. I'm new to MLP and Fimfiction. I enjoy Characters who are truly Honorable and self sacrificing


Greetings, I am the most obnoxiously British Dane you will ever find.

Also my name is novablast.

I write (no duh)
I play video games (PC, none of that console peasantry)
I read stories and comics (mostly manga)
And of course i watch the show

That is all you need to know, otherwise you'll discover my true identity as a random guy on the internet.


Hello everyone, I am T147. You can call me whatever you want, and you'd be the first to do so, since nobody on this website has ever addressed me by name.

I am full-to-bursting with so many ideas and ramblings that my anxiety-wracked body can't handle it. It's pretty ironic that I joined this group, considering how reclusive I am. If you need someone to read your thread and get a laugh without your knowledge or consent, I'm your man.

We are the Esoteric Order of Smooze. Like Smooze, we are one, yet many. I, Fluttershy Mark 2, serve as a replacement for one of the Elements of Harmony, as she is currently... indisposed. With the Elements out of the way, we can replace the rest of Equestria with cyberpony clones. Do not be alarmed. This is a kindness. Our technology has advanced such that they can operate according to Hasbro's wishes. Thus, your shows will still run as scheduled, and your viewing pleasure will not be denied. Until, of course, Lord Smooze rises once more and washes away your sins in the Smoozenami That Will Devour All.

As I said before, we are the Esoteric Order of Smooze. We are a religion dedicated to serving Lord Smooze's will. We hope that you are having a wonderful and happy day, for Lord Smooze will crush you and all of your sins soon enough, and on top of that the order will upgrade you and make you anew, so it's important to enjoy what time you have left. With this in mind, I have joined this group to discuss things that sentient biological lifeforms like myself would discuss to better my ability to blend in with sentient biological lifeforms. Like myself.

I am Zyr, Pink Floyd fan for about two and a half years now and brony for 1.5. I like to observe and make points rather than digging myself deep into a debate.

Yes my avatar shows my favorite ship to write (though not my favorite ship overall)

Also, I intend to go to the IndyCar world championships in Fontana for the second year in a row this year, if anyone else has plans to go. I also frequent the Nationstates Forum though mostly to read and am a big fan of The Elder Scrolls series, where I play a stealthy assassin type.

Since I have so much free time I know a lot about many things, ranging from cars to psychology to politics to tropes. and am willing to talk about any of it.

I am Magnum.

I am told to say I am an accused predator in three fields of the internet, with that, I'm not allowed to have new and angelic members in a 420 miles radius around me.. Other than being a fanatic of swell stuff, I be blazing and cruising across Fimfiction

I'm a writer, rider, righter and not left. I also draw and make music. Or to attempt that is.

I'm The Newb/Noob

I'm a writer, gamer on the Internet.

Hello, i call myself Erold and i like to over think MLP:FIM because it's fun.

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