Bullied bronys 34 members · 0 stories
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Here, you comment common insults that you get and we'll help you find a good replay to said insults! ^^

One of the most common I get is: "Disgusting lesbian" (keep in mind I am not a lesbian, I'm a bisexual)
Another I hear ofter towards others (not towards me for some reason) is: "Maybe you should eat a little less fattie"

(Honestly I relly just wanna facepalm my whole freaki'n face... Like, Really? ... thoes aren't even good insults... I mean common, I could come up with better insults in my sleep...but I guess bullies usually are kinda stupid, I mean they cant even come up with a good insult)

Big Brother is Watching
Group Contributor

I'm half-way through with figuring out how to overcome varrious insults!

One guy used to call me a "faggot", and it used to hurt me, but as shaking the memory was difficult, and as unlike medieval times, everyone has books and websites that maintain the use and spelling of certain words, meaning therefore that there's no feasible way to make our language change as quickly as it did back in the day, and since some insecure pr*ck is going to find a new word to use as the new harsh insult, I knew there was one feasible way to go: To overpower the word by claiming ownership of it. Inspired by Spoderman, I took it, and I now spell it "fagit" (pronounced fa-jit) and use it to mean whatever I want. I think this video will help indicate how loose the term "fagit" is and how lightly it can be used, thus reducing the impact of it for me (warning, may contain strong language and potentially offensive depictions of religious figures):

Now every time I hear or read the word "faggot", I just almost automatically think "fagit" and think about how any male that's not Spoderman is "an fagit". To reduce the power of words, claim ownership of them, and customize them to suit your taste.

So the question is, what do I do next, if I need to do anything else?

Group Admin

They are not good, not true! I don't really Know what to answered though. I never been good at comebacks, but an other user asked me to do this thread.....:twilightsheepish:

I think you got a very good start. Now you just need to keep those thoughts alive in your head!:twilightsmile:

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