Balloon Ponies 291 members · 45 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Dash The Stampede
Group Admin

The snow is falling and carols are filling the streets, warm cookies rest on windowsills, and presents sit under the tree...

All while we scribble furiously away as we create tales of rubberized pony glory.

This year, Balloon Ponies will be hosting its second contest, based around the theme of Holidays. (While we'll accept other holiday-themed fics, the focus is on wintery ones) Make your Christmas wishlist come true - and finally get that inflatable Rainbow Dash you've wanted for so long...when you enter the Holiday Contest!

Rules and guidelines are as follows:
Deadline: January 15th. This should allow for ample inspiration from the season to kick in.
Type: Everyone, Teen, Mature. All types welcome, but it must be themed around the Holidays.
Length: 1.5k-5k words; longer fics take longer judging!
Involves: Must include one pony and one type of plastic. Lycra, latex, and rubber, oh my, as long as they're inflatable. Try to keep the subject matter out of the injury side of things, hurt ponies are unhappy ponies!

Where to submit: The Holiday Contest folder in the group. Remember, if you're adding something in there that isn't for the contest - it will be removed. The folder exists now, and is open to users to submit.

Judging: Will consist of basic parameters of quality, how well it adheres to theme, the creative aspects, and the execution. Grammar is considered here, albeit lightly. A cohesive story is more likely to place.

Prize support: So far, a story commission from Kaidan and a Funko MLP figure or Steam cards have been offered as prize pool items, be sure to let us know if you want to offer something as a reward for the authors' hard work too - the more prize support, the better the turnout.

However, prizes shouldn't be your motivator. Instead, find your muse in the subject, the idea of floating free in the wintery breeze, or becoming an inflatable gift under the tree. Let your urge to create run you!

Remember, this is all about the fun, so enjoy yourselves! Feel free to discuss ideas and thoughts in the forums - but keep it on-topic. Troll threads will be locked.

We here at Balloon Ponies thank you for your time and hope to hear from you all soon! Happy writing!

Try to keep the subject matter out of the injury side of things, hurt ponies are unhappy ponies!

... ... I assume I'm responsible for this? :twilightblush: Ah, well, maybe I'll come up with something more "fun" this time around, if I can write anything.

Free stuff? Where?

However, prizes shouldn't be your motivator.

D'err, I mean, yay, more inspiration for a balloon story! When you say 'holiday' themed, though, I take it you mean Christmas, New Years, and the like? Or is any wintery holiday allowed? And any winter holiday figure, for that matter?

Dash The Stampede
Group Admin

If you can celebrate it with a cup of cocoa and a warm smile, then you can certainly write about it. :twilightsmile:While we'll accept 'any' holiday (up for discretion), we'd prefer it if you keep it wintery.

Be creative! That kind of thing impacts the judging process:raritywink: If you've got an idea you think nobody else does, get a crackin'!

Pun intended.

I don't rightly know who caused that, but it very well could have been me. I do have a penchant for making them pop..

I mean, if you wanna have them in Rarity's fashion room, under threat of a needle-pop, and then have them escape, that kind of horror works well with the concept. As long as their puffy bodies remain *relatively* intact, you're good to go. I mean, if you're a sex doll, you don't just get off clean. Ever.:trixieshiftleft:

Enjoy yourself and let the ideas flow!

I'm working on a submission but probably wont have ti ready until after new year. But I do have the end part written out.

spoilers: Dash, Discord, and applejacks dog.

Well, I finished the first draft of my entry yesterday, editing it later. Any other entries so far? I read the one with Twilight already.

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