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Comments ( 13 )
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A.) Be forced to give Prince Blueblood blowjobs every day for the rest of your life.


B.) Have no genitalia for the rest of your life.

Come here Blueblood.

~Have a good one.

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin

Goodbye, vagina.

2549929 I hate his attitude. but he Is gorgeous. Blueblood

The Princess Rarity
Group Admin I the only smart one here?

Considering that you are willing to give up ever having an orgasm again just because you can't suck someone's dick I wouldn't call that smart.

hmmmm give a guy i dislike blowjobs...or never again have a penis and fucking around........fuck it! im going with losing my goddamn dick

well, he keeps it clean

Group Admin


A. Yummy! :rainbowkiss:

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