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Like, anything you can remember.

I'd have to say my moment was this:

My friend from across the street had a father who was an outdoorsman. Mine was as well, but my family was much poorer. One day, we went digging around through the storage in his garage, and found an old broadhead arrow. My friend didn't want it, and said I could have it.

I used my home made bow to shoot it straight up in the air, and watch it come back down.


On multiple occasions.

:facehoof: :trixieshiftleft: :rainbowderp: :ajsleepy:

...Good job, little me...

2720738 I jumped out of my car on the free way once.

Many many many things.
But it would have to be my first kiss.
In kindergarten I had a crush are a female* so one day while I was walking back to class from one of those hundreds of presentation things on bulling I took the opportunity to roughly pin her against the wall and kiss her against her will.

*Never had the "eww girls" thing.

2720738 I cried and ran away at the 22nd grade spelling bee. :fluttercry:

Group Admin

2720738 I think I actually spelled a word wrong once :rainbowwild:

2720738 There was this rusty, rotted out old shed in my backyard and it was next to a chain link fence and so, of course, thrill-seeking five-year-old me decided to climb onto the roof using the fence and jump off onto our tiny little exercise trampoline (you know the ones, they're reeeeaaaly small and close to the ground and can only fit one person on them) somehow I didn't die so I decided to do it again and again and again until my mom saw me and had a panic attack. Another time I noticed that the space between the top of my dresser and our ten-foot ceiling (I live in an old house) was just big enough for me to crawl on so I climbed up there with some bubble bath and slicked the whole thing, then I laid down on my stomach on it and kicked off from the back wall, flying off onto my bed (and nearly smashing into the wall it was up against). One time I saved up my allowance and got the kid across the street to sell me all of his "old" skateboards (the joys of living by rich people) there were about six of them and I duct taped them all together. I then took my two dogs out for a "walk" meaning that I tied their leashes to the skateboards and held on for dear life while they chased the neighborhood cats. :rainbowlaugh: I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was a littlie kid


One time I saved up my allowance and got the kid across the street to sell me all of his "old" skateboards (the joys of living by rich people) there were about six of them and I duct taped them all together. I then took my two dogs out for a "walk" meaning that I tied their leashes to the skateboards and held on for dear life while they chased the neighborhood cats.

That sounds like the totally awesome kind of stupid.

2728267 :rainbowlaugh: thanks! yeah I was that kid that moms warned their children to stay away from lest I teach them the ways of stupidity

I was about five years old and they were renovating part of my house and I was playing with some leftover nails then I thought it might be a good idea to look if those nails fit in the power outlet lets just say the answer was shocking:derpyderp1:
I was a very dumb child:twilightblush:

Group Admin


I threw a rock through a glass window in 7th grade.:twilightoops:

2720738 Slapped my crush with my underwear in a public pool.

Get on my level.

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