Coco Pommel 749 members · 136 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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There is now a group devoted to Coco on DeviantArt.
Contributing to the picture thread will be even easier now.

I joined it a few days ago, so much art is exploding from that group. :rainbowkiss:


You know, when I first saw the preview clip of this episode and sa coco, I knew that somehow she would be important to the plot. I just didn't know that she would end up becoming popular as she had, I thought that since Suri, being the evil Rarity counterpart, would get the fame and glory...nope, its our little Coco.

Cuteness goes a long way.

Group Admin

Since I don't really want to start a whole new thread for something only marginally related, I'm going to commandeer this one. :moustache:

Lookie what I found:

Best comment:

Hehehe. I see Suri has finally hit "rock" bottom.

I am easily amused. :pinkiecrazy:

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