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Celestia has Daybreaker
Luna has Nightmare Moon
What do you think Cadence's Alter Ego would be?

"lovemaker" wait no! or maybe...

beware all those who dwell in loneliness!! for i am.... MATCHMAKER!!!! GODDESS OF ARRANGED MARRIAGES!!! BWAH HA HAH!!

Group Admin

It's an uncomfortable echo of Celestia's nightmare form, but I've always liked "Heartbreaker." All the infatuation, none of the caring. Either that or "Decadence."


And probably the result of something happening with Shining that gets VERY ugly.


War Hymn

Love is almost an opposite to what war is, I mean besides a persons love for country or family there isn't much love in war. Love in it's many forms starts with understanding certain things about another person/s and being able to look past others flaws and mistakes, to support them in their endeavours and to be willing to sacrifice for them.

War is a topic of many, MANY debates the world over. It is fought for many reasons; ideals, need, politics, traditions, envy, greed, pride, wrath, in anceint times over love and even lust a few times I think. Fact is that it most often breaks families, destroys people and places, and very rarely does true good come of it.

Heartbreaker. Only Shining Armor can defeat her. Luckily, their battles never leave the bedroom. :raritywink:

I had an idea for a story like this but I never got around to working out the idea. I was going to call her Antipathy. Cadence's magic generates love and attraction between ponies, so her opposite would seek to keep ponies from ever achieving that state of mind. Antipathy is defined as "a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion", which in many ways is the opposite impact that her magic had as Cadence.


JawJoe already did a bit on it a while back.

Basically she keeps ponies in a love/lustfilled daze, making them hallucinate as they engage in de Sade-style debauchery. Also a lot of emphasis on children and motherhood.

6981667 Plot twist: There is no Chrysalis, for Cadence was Chrysalis all along!



What? She's already pretty much the opposite of everything that Cadance is.


Yes. :rainbowlaugh:


Jesus, this fic is how old? For all its faults, I'm still proud of Decadence's introductory lines:

“I shall teach all upon this world new ways to love and hate and enjoy themselves, and when I'm done, the world will be consumed in an orgy of fire and passion. ...

"I am the lust that deflowers the purest mind. I am the voice in your head that begs for more when there's no better. I am the blade you drive into your lover's heart once you've had enough. I am not white or black or grey, but something else. I am the crumbling of society, the end of all reason and morality.

“My name is Decadence.”

I love Decadence, obviously. Heartbreaker is nice, too. Instead of spreading love, she's stealing it. Like an alicorn version of Chrysalis. Spreading heartbreak. Making ponies cheat on their loved ones or do something horrible. Or as Decadence, indulging in orgies and all the bad stuff about sex. Heck, Decadence could end up being more popular than actual Cadence. She'd be a princess totally into fetishes and orgies. Spread the decadence!

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