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Hey there, people!

Well, I want to start a publicly available discussion where we start to bounce ideas about who could be Nightmare Moon's host, according to any information currently dropped (or left unsaid) inside the canon of AAG.

Personally, I believe I have her identity narrowed down to only two or three mares, but I don't know of other people's ideas.

And I would prefer not opening the discussion. I'll leave that to other people.

Edit: added Shinzakura's threat chart.

Group Admin

Well, I have an idea as to who Nightmare Moon's host or hosts may be.... :trollestia:

I still present my utterly ridiculous idea that it is two (or three) mares in the same body. Insane no?

Flynt Coal
Group Contributor

2639043 I'm going to go ahead and say Minty is the culprit. It's been established that NMM's really interested in making DJ's life Hell (and that Minty still harbours pure seething hate for her sister to this day).

"But wait a minute, Flynt Coal!" You must be saying, "Minty's been accounted for! The awesome and badass Canadian army found her in the rubble of Fillydelphia and she's now recovering in the hospital!"

It's a ruse! The Minty in the hospital is a changeling planted with the express purpose of making everyone think Minty isn't Nightmare Moon's host!

Yeah, there's my two cents. *sits* ... Discuss!

Shoo, tyrant; let the monkeys bounce ideas!

Group Admin


But Minty also loved her family (not associated with DJ) and especially her own mother. Would Minty be even capable of hating DJ so much that she would willingly host the monster that Rarity had defeated years ago, openly attack her own mother, and allow her entire life to be destroyed just to get back at DJ?

I've had an idea bouncing around that it's somehow all of the candidates. For one, it would explain how this version of Nightmare Moon is so powerful even though she's not possessing an alicorn again. Also, a shared NMM might be immune to the Elements like she is now because it works kinda like a lich's soul jar: you can't actually destroy the evil creature because it's essence is split into parts (Ok, for the non-RPG people, think Voldemort and his Horcruxes).

Granted, the Elements thing could just be that they're not working right because of all the emotional baggage from the DJ issues, especially first contact and the custody battle.

However, if we have to just name one suspect, I think Minty. While a number of the candidates have reasons to hate DJ, Minty's hate and reasons are very personal ones, and NMM's plans and appearances have been targeting her directly way to much and in very personal and knife twisty ways (like dropping Mike off Cloudsdale instead of, ya know, just blasting DJ with a death spell and being done with it) to make me think it's someone like Bon Bon, who has a paranoid fear/hatred of all humans and sees DJ as a collaborator or something. Also, the war pretty much started with the attack on Phillydelphia, where Minty lived. As to why NMM has attacked Rarity and Silversteel, remember that even if it is Minty, the Nightmare is still the one running the show. Rarity's an element bearer, and Silversteel was just collateral damage.

2639789, one problem. Nightmare Moon doesn't seem to have the pure misanthropic hate that would mesh with Bon-Bon's speciesism.

However, since her business does concern both Earths, I suspect that she might be a viable host solely because of the maximum potential for havoc.

By the way, Nightmare Moon's host is always an Equestriani, right?

I have a vague feeling it might be DJ because she actually had physical contact with NMM and since her magic is weaker than that of the average Equestriani, it would be easier to possess her. Not to mention that dream sequence with NMM struck me as very personal – as if she's mocking DJ's life story. And nearly killing her husband in front of her? Hmm.


By the way, Nightmare Moon's host is always an Equestriani, right?

Shinzakura has narrowed her identity to six specific mares. In "To Be Human", he didicates the six COMBS chapters toward developing the circumstances in which each of them could have accepted hosting her.

I have a vague feeling it might be DJ

I do believe NMM to be interested in getting DJ as a host (provided that her host isn't Minty), but the prerequisite for the possession seems to be a willing host. At this time, DJ is everything but willing.

I am the host
A man you call Ghost.


Nightmare Moon doesn't seem to have the pure misanthropic hate that would mesh with Bon-Bon's speciesism.

Exactly, which is why I said that, if it's just one of them, I DON'T think it's Bon-Bon. Granted, Bon-Bon IS the one I think the Nightmare would have the easiest time controlling.


I do believe NMM to be interested in getting DJ as a host (provided that her host isn't Minty), but the prerequisite for the possession seems to be a willing host. At this time, DJ is everything but willing.

Unless some of her human family members, or the pony ones she's close to start getting offed (something which, unfortunately, has been hinted might happen next arc) I don't see DJ ever being willing.

Group Admin

Call me crazy, but it might be somepony who hasn't been in AAG's main story at all, and the COMBS characters are just a diversion. I mean, what if it's actually Blossomforth? She seems awfully connected and away from the action every time NMM shows up...


I would have bet good money that I never would have seen AAG and TCR ever be in the same place at the same time in a discussion. Now we just need 'F**k you, Texas' on repeat:trollestia:

Not sure if anyone has read the IDW comics, but anyone that is processed by nightmare does not become an alicorn. No free wings or horn for you. So the right answer is obviously Princess Twilight. She's just made that she gets no screen time in this universe.

Group Admin


And that's why this is Alternate Universe. I mean, after all, it could be Sweetie Belle? :unsuresweetie:

See you joke like that but your SB is a powerhouse.

2639541 Remember that Nightmare Moon can easily play Minty's hate against DJ in her favor, take her body and break havoc against the rest of the family. She's not above of disposing of Minty when she's no longer of use, or she could be gaining strength for her pain by leaving her in Fillydelphia, just like did by raping poor Luna. Besides, why choose one when any, or all of those mares could have accepted NMM's offer?

I think everyone is going about this the wrong way and assuming that their is only one host. Who to say she doesn't have multiple hosts. As we saw in the COMBs stories all those mares had a reason to accept the nightmares offer, so why not think that a couple of them did. If multiple ponies were the host it can give alibis to the other suspects as they might have been seen near the nightmare. This also seems like something the nightmare would want as by having multiple hosts it would allow her to continue on her mission with out the constant interruption of her host normal life, as if one need to do something she moves onto her next one.

Who knows if that specist group from Sunny Shimmer (I like to call her like that :ajsmug:) was influenced by NMM

2665959, hmm.

That actually makes some sense.

The Purehooves are a tiny, tiny minority on AE with little true power but has a leader with grand plans – and few morals.

NMM could easily lure Sunset Shimmer with the promise of more followers and greater influence.

2666835 yeah, after all, Sunny is the true identity of miss Chanpagne, and NMM used her distrust for humans to see if she accepts

Just a head's up:
When Nightmare Moon transformed into a pony in front of Broken Armour, he recognized her instantly. This means that the host is a figure of enough importance for her to be on general briefings, thus a relevant public figure.
I believe this thus rules out Bon-Bon (a sour ex of a diplomat), Orange Box (some minor figure of a minor noble house) and Star Swirl (a mage in a nowhere position). Therefore, the only two mares remaining are Champagne Dreams (wife to the highest ranked mortal in Equestria and leader of the PureHooves) and Minty (member of the Royal Family).
Furthermore, Broken Armour was completely shocked about the identity. This brings two options: if the Changelings don't know about Champagne's involvement with the PureHooves, then she's still in the running, but if they do know, then the only real shocker remaining is Minty.

Group Admin

I wouldn't rule them out just yet. Bon Bon is married to Waterfire, who is an important pony. To quote Star Swirl's COMBS story;

(Star Swirl's) horn lit up and she summoned the message she received earlier that day, the results of the promotion board for the position of Commanding Mage of the Manehattan Regional Facility. It was a prestigious and important position, the kind that any mage would be proud to have.

As the next paragraph has SS steaming about how such an important position went to Waterfire (along with the idea of her wife Bon Bon being crazy enough to scare children), that would mean Waterfire is a prime target. Then in Bon Bon's COMBS we see she is perfectly willing to essentially rape Lyra because of lingering feelings and a deranged idea their former partnership ended because of humanity corrupting Lyra. festering the feelings that the Nightmare can thrive upon. With Star Swirl saying that Waterfire isn't suited for her position by being a spineless pushover, it would be easy to blackmail her should something happen to her wife like, say, 'kidnapping'.

Then, with Star Swirl, she's notable because she's Star Swirl. Part of her major issues involves how she inherited the name, passed down from a family bloodline of great mages who all carried the mantle of the bearded one, but aside from duplicating Twilight's feat of hatching a baby dragon she hasn't really lived up to her name. However, because she is the latest in one of the most highly respected unicorn families and one of Twilight Sparkle's close friends (not Mane 6 close, but it's more than just being aquaintences), it would be a symbolic event should she be taken out either on her own or along with Ponyville, which in itself would be purely devastating only in morale given its relationship to the Element Bearers.

As for Orange Box, I wouldn't dismiss her simply because House Campolina is 'minor', namely because it isn't. Following the deaths of Derpy and her daughters, Celestia created the house as the seventh presence among the existing six houses headed by the Elements. Given that those seven houses are higher up in nobility than the majority of the older ones, she could very well be on a list of secondary targets.

Group Admin

Except that it's feasible that NMM could've been messing with his head, even into death. After all, the pepsis may have access to the hivemind, and if so, that is a potential for her undoing. Ergo, NMM could have easily changed via the amniomorphic instead of letting her host do the deed.

Likewise, some of the "write-offs" are possibly well-known outside of their discredited spheres. Bonnie might be the sour ex of a diplomat, but she's also the owner of an international chain of chocolate boutiques, so she's likely done guest star stints on TV cooking shows and the like. Likewise, Orange owns a national chain of bakeries and could have the same exposure, plus Bon-Bon is a business partner of hers. And Star might be "washed up", but she is the current bearer of the Star Swirl name and so is of some note to others.

Lastly, Broken Armor's last thoughts was that his murderer was familiar to him...but that is a loaded term in itself; it doesn't necessarily mean he knows the pony in question.

Or this could be just one big red herring. You never know.


Likewise, some of the "write-offs" are possibly well-known outside of their discredited spheres. Bonnie might be the sour ex of a diplomat, but she's also the owner of an international chain of chocolate boutiques, so she's likely done guest star stints on TV cooking shows and the like.

It'd be like having your neck snapped by Rachel Ray. She'd do it just to literally add insult to injury.

"She" meaning Nightmare Moon. Not, as far as I know, Rachel Ray. :applejackunsure:

Group Admin

Yes, but even still, it might behoove her to still cover her tracks. To extend your example, it would be like having your neck snapped by Rachel Ray - if she were actually Paula Deen in disguise.

(how that would happen is beyond me. :ajbemused:)


Yes, but even still, it might behoove her to still cover her tracks. To extend your example, it would be like having your neck snapped by Rachel Ray - if she were actually Paula Deen in disguise.

Unless she was Rachel Ray, thinking that we would think that meant she could not be Rachel Ray, and... :derpyderp2:

OK, now she deserves congratulations. Nightmare Moon has been able to reach beyond the fourth wall to claim her first real victim in her war against humans -- by making my head hurt.

I'm starting to think this thread is to mislead the true identity of NMM, I mean, one can't rule out the chance that none of those mares is her. What about a filly?:twilightoops: They are more easily manipulated, besides, she only needs a "Your mommy's suffering is caused by the humans or the lost foal, accept my offer, and she will no longer suffer" and presto, she got a host
edit: not the thread, it's the whole COMBS arc of sidestories that I suspect are misleading on purpose. I got my suspicions because of the last contest with Minty (man, I wish more time to start writhing, so I could help diminish the lack of participants), I mean, why the prize of wining is a BIGGER clue of NMM's host using a contest with Minty, one of the primary suspects? Being Minty would be too obvious, so I'm thinking that somepony else is NMM, and it might not be any of those mares. I'm thinking about a certain foal.....

Group Admin

Would I do that?

3305686 . . . Only you and Nacho know for sure . . .

Group Admin

Actually, my editors know as well, so you're wrong on that count. :raritywink:

3305686 What I know, is that you are saving a BIG surprise for sure:trixieshiftleft:

And quite a surprise it is!

hello. first of all big fan of the story and of some of the other work shinzakura has done.

then as to my theory about whom are the hosts for the nightmare. well for me it was simple. why would the nightmare go out of her way to use subterfuge and psychological manipulation to not only turn nations on two different worlds against each other, but also the bearers against each other as well as using two armies she believes are beneath her. its simple she had to split herself up in case of some unforeseen glitch taking out one due to her weakened state she would still have others to maybe bring back that piece of her. as to whom i believe it is. the answer is simple, all five. all five have a crack in the armor of their souls. some of them might not even remember their little deal with the nightmare or be aware that at times it isnt them behind the wheel.

I do not intend to spoil it for you, but you are wrong in several places.

Quick question : Are the possibilities limited to current All American Girl knowledge or the A.A.G.-verse as a whole? (Including Polarity and K.H.&C.?)

I would very much believe it to be all of the canon universe. I may have gone into several lengthy discussions with Shinzakura about this or that, but I do admire his capacity to keep his huge canon consistent. This is further affirmed by him employing 5 chapters of Polarity to delineate the suspect status of five background characters inside AAG.

Nonetheless, I would believe Shinzakura to not be enough of a dick to have us going in circles around five specific mares for years, then suddenly choose a sixth one.

3445549 I would believe he can be that kind of dick, it'll make the final revelation more chocking :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


3446866 I would believe he can be that kind of dick, it'll make the final revelation more chocking :pinkiehappy:

I'm starting to think I used words unwisely :applejackconfused:

I do believe in you! :eeyup:
Between your forum activity and blog activity, you keep levels of suspense that have you into "somewhat of a troll", but you always do it in good fun! That's nowhere enough to consider you a dick!

It's official, I really messed up :twilightoops:. That wasn't intended to be an insult, I meant that shinzakura might be the kind of person who direct focus on five mares as possible hosts for NMM, only reveal than neither of them is NMM, I only used the word "dick" just to repeat what Nacho wrote. I repeat once again, I didn't meant as an insult, but I do feel the need to apologize for causing such an uncomfortable moment for the community.

As of Chapter 22, Star Swirl is out of the race.

Man, it's been a while and we still don't know the answer :rainbowlaugh:

I think it is Minty. She is far to against DJ for it to be anypony else. This will tear apart poor Rarity and the rest of the family nearly completely. Hopefully we can get some more clues in the future!


She would make sense, but she isn't the only one that would. Champagne and Orange are strong contenders, too.


I view Champagne has wanting power only for herself. I think that she would view it as shareing power with NMM and my understanding is that she wants to do it herself. She has her plan and she will ride it to the end.

Orange does not have the personal venom that NMM has shown towards DJ. Yes she has a legitimate grievance but it does not feel that it runs as personal as Minty's

Either way we will find out one day!

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