Elements of Insanity 306 members · 60 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Group Admin

If you don't know what I am talking about then watch this video made by Shadow...

It not only infuriates Shadow, but me as well! :flutterrage: Even though I don't get as much fanboys myself I can still understand what he is going through.

5187482 my only problem is that he fans the flames but posting this and two he does allude to getting to them at somepoint and not everyone is patient as a saint and some people really really like his series too much and I agree it is a problem but I don't think this is the correct way to handle the problems.

Group Admin

5283848 I understand that, but it also seems to be getting to his friends as well. Not just him and me. Yet I understand what you are trying to say.

5284051 Then clearly doing this doesn't help the problem

Group Admin

5284468 Yeah, I know.

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