The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Group Admin

Alright, while the 'general' is where we can discuss concepts and characters, I'd actually liked to put up a front about episodes and such. As all of you know, this is an open world. Other authors can write stories for this verse and I do encourage it. Feel free to write them here and such here.

Here's my plan for a fic.

The story centers around Sunset Shimmer, or should I say, Canon Sunset Shimmer. After the events of Rainbow Rocks, Sunset one day wakes up to find herself in the Tree Library in the Shimmerverse. It'll be an adventure story with Sunset trying to find this world's Sunset with the help of the Elements of Harmony.

I thought of this story when I wondered how the more resentful Sunset Shimmer from that movie would react with the Elements of Harmony in this world, seeing as this Sunset Shimmer is much more haughty and proud, like pre-Equestria Girls Sunset Shimmer. She'll get to learn how to make new friends and even give herself some new confidence with her own skills.

Please review my story plan and tell me if I could make it any better!

Group Admin

3944651 That actually sounds like a good idea for a fic. I really can't wait to see how it turns out.
So it's about canon Sunset after Rainbow Rocks? Interesting choice. She's a stark contrast to this world's Sunset. At least for now. {Most of the characters worked out their big flaws in season 2 and were better and stronger characters by the third season, though they really didn't get to shine till the fourth.}
Anything else of note?

Considering the fact that the EG HuMane Six are also reminiscent of their Season 1 counterparts, I think it's safe to say that meeting the group like this is actually much better. They'll be more flawed and prone to causing discord among the group, which would in turn make them all grow into better ponies. If they're all already three dimensional characters who have grown from their mistakes, then Sunset is the only one who would grow as a character. It's like killing two birds with one stone!

Also, as a reminder, I am TERRIBLE at world building, so don't expect a lot of that from me. Instead, I'll be focusing more on the character interactions and comedy.

Group Admin

3944971 Well, again, if you any problems with the world or how it works, just ask me anytime. I'm happy to help....That and it's good to have a reliable world, unlike most cartoons that change it up so often.

And yeah, it'd be good to have the characters grow and learn. So far, it's been just Sunset, but that was because it was the first episode. (Twilight was the only one who really learned a lesson there.) And my next one is a Sunset episode too, but I do have some plans for the others...some of them.

Oi, don't tell me you're starting to regret writing some of these characters. Through all my years of writing, all I can say is; if you've written it, you'll have to live with it. Make it bend to your current writing style and make them more interesting. I guess if we want interesting, I'll need to write about characters like Pizzelle and Lightning Dust. Hmm... I think I have a few plans ready for them, considering that they're both Pegasi.

In your world, what is Cloudsdale like? I don't think you talked about it that much in your fic. It should prove to be useful in the long run.

Group Admin

3945093 I never regret 'writing' characters. Nope. The first story was just to introduce them. I don't regret anything about it.

Cloudsdale? It's a pretty militaristic city. (The pegasi race is like that in general.) While most of them are 'friendly' enough to other races, there are plenty of dissenters and purists there. Not to mention The Enclave, a splinter group who want independence and believe in the pegasi master race sort of ideology.

Group Admin

3945093 {Yes, the Enclave are inspired by the Enclave of Fallout: Equestria. They have the same armor and stuff.}

Group Admin

3945093 Lastly, if you have any questions or comments about characters and such, ask away.

There is one character trait of Lightning's that differs from Rainbow Dash. Well, besides Lightning's constant need to improve herself, in contrast to Rainbow's 'I'm already awesome' lazy motif. Lightning is always training, always bettering her strength and speed.
Thanks to Redheart, she does like to read adventure stories. (Which are the only books she will read, with Daring Do's being her favorite.)
As well, unlike Rainbow, she values her appearance and grooms herself quite nicely. I mean, look at her mane. It must take her a lot of time and effort to keep it that nice, not to mention keeping her fur clean and such. {Note to enemies: don't mess with the mane.}

It's just a few quirks that didn't make it into the first story because there wasn't any place. However, come her story, I have one planned, it'll be more prominent.

Heheh, that's pretty funny now that you think of it. But I can see why it'll be hard to write that in a fic, especially an action oriented one like A Different Sunset. But maybe it can be used as a side gag, showing how she's late because she was busy grooming herself. That would be a surprise to Sunset, to say the least who never would have thought that Lightning could act that way.

Group Admin

3947097 Yeah, it's a gag I did want to use later.

Oh... sorry for spoiling it, then

Group Admin

3947669 It's a pretty obvious gag, so there's no need to hide it.

Here's an idea for a story if anybody is interested
The Battle for Winter Wrap Up!
Summery: basically Sunset isn't looking forward to Winter Wrap Up because magic because of the Ponyville tradition of not using magic. However Mayor Mare falls ill and Sunset convinces/manipulates her replacement to make use the use of magic mandatory this year. Unfortunately her plans are opposed by nearly half of Ponyville, including the Apple family. Eventually both sides agree to a bet, and the town is divided to two sections, one using magic for Winter Wrap Up and the other isn't. If the side using magic is able to finish the work faster win, Magic must be allowed during Winter Wrap Up (Plus Sunset get free apple cinder). But if the section not using magic finishes first, the no magic tradition stays and Sunset has to work on the Apple family farm for a month! Let The Battle for Winter Wrap Up begin!

Tell me what you think.

Group Admin

5122741 That's actually a very interesting idea, though unicorns in the shimmerverse do need the aid of the pegasi to effectively clean the weather. {There are spells that can help melt snow and whatnot, but as I stated here not a big fan of unicorns having the pegasi's natural abilities for weather manipulation as it gives them too much power and isn't fair to the pegasi.} That and Winter Wrap up kept saying 'Earth Pony' way when pegasi were helping to with their own brand.

Eh, that all aside, that could make for an interesting episode. I won't be able to get to it soon though as I have some other episodes and such to get through. {Working on the next chapter of Fanning Our Flames as we speak.} So unless someone comes along and is willing to help take some of the load, it's going to take a while.

5130970 Thanks for the response. I understand if you can't work on this.

Winter Wrap up kept saying 'Earth Pony' way when pegasi were helping to with their own brand.

That could be an argument Sunset could use if someone decides to write this story.

Group Admin

5131002 Well I could if I get the time, but yeah, I envy the Lunaverse with it's multiple writers. Kind of feels lonely doing it all by myself. Hopefully, I'll hit my stride soon enough and crank out a bunch of chapters and get some stories done soon.

Also yeah, that would be a good argument. Thanks.

5131053 You're welcome.

5131053 Here's another idea I like to share.
According to Evoward25, ancients Alicorns came from another world and were an incredibly expansionist race. But after the Alicorn/Kur war in which both races were destroyed. So what became of the races that Alicorns conquered and/or ruled?

Princess Cadance and Shinning Armor pay a visit to Ponyville to see Sunset and Spike. However thanks to Quickfix's latest invention teleaports Cadance, Sunset, Shade and a few of their friends to a planet on the other side of the universe. Once there they learn they're multiple alien factions who are in a state of cold war. Unfortunately the sudden appearance of Cadance results in galactic war. One faction believe she's the foretold warrior hero would lead them in bringing peace to the galaxy. Another faction sees this as a threat to their empire and vows to eliminate the Alicorn princess. Sunset whose always been jealous of Cadance is naturally pissed off of all the attention her cousin is getting. Cadance on the other hoof isn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of being a warrior hero.

Group Admin

5210640 Huh, I was thinking of going to another world so that might really work.


Here's a suggestion for how Hoo'Far fit into the Shimmerverse. A group of Saddle Arabians that were either banished or left voluntary wandered the world looking for a new home. Like the magic using human who left the Roman Empire, Princess Celestia allowed them to live in Equestria. They founded a new home on the edge of the Buffalo lands, which would be called Somnambula. Over times, ponies and other races came live in Somnambula. Eventually a unicorn and a Horse fell in love, thus leading to a unicorn/Saddle Arabian hybrid. Soon more would be born including Hoo'Far.

So what do you think?

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