The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Or the cult of Discord by outsiders, the cult of chaos is a faction in of itself that serve Celestia.

Before we can talk about the current cult, we must go over a little backstory and know how.

The world of Equis is split into three realms: The Living, The Dead, and The Astral Plane. The Astral Plane, unlike it's brethren, is nothing but energy. It's where magic and all other sorceries can be derived from. In it of itself, it is broken down into many subgroups:

Magic, which is the largest and easiest to access realm

Druidic, or nature magic.

And lastly, chaos.

Before Discord's reign, the realm of chaos was a very enigmatic realm of the Astral Plane. So few could knew about it and fewer still could tap into it, that it was considered merely a thing of legend.

However, upon Discord's creation, the barrier between the realm of chaos and it's compatriots loosened. Whereas it once was strong and firm, it became bent and filled with havoc. Discord's 'birth' created such a storm that some of it condensed into actual beings. The first chaos daemons. As such, anyone who taps into the realm of chaos without Discord's permission, or more scientifically called 'Warp', have the chance of, unfortunately, meeting such a creature.

The cult of chaos itself was created by ponies who could tap into it freely under Discord's gaze. Of course, there was a problem. The minds of ponies are naturally harmonic. Using even the slightest bit of chaos magic, or warp, will break a pony both in body and mind. This led to a natural 'crazed' reaction in the pony populace with a large section of it during the rein of the chaos god, to be totally and utterly mad.

This went on for generations until the arrival of the two sisters.
Whilst Luna rallied all those with sound minds to battle and led the fight at the front lines, Celestia instead used a calm hoof to pull the ponies out from the brink of madness. It worked as ponies from all over flocked to the benevolent mare who could ease their troubles and make them smile again. Not fake, mad smiles, a real smile.

However, there were some that fought for the sisters that did not want to give up their powers. Some couldn't begin to think of a life without chaos. After Discord's defeat and imprisonment, the sister's argued over what to do with any and all chaos loyalists. Luna wished to slay them all, while her elder sister wished to end the bloodshed. Eventually, they came to an agreement that the chaos loyalists would be put under Celestia's watch. She formed it into a more stable group that would follow her through the ages.

The cult of chaos.

The cult still isn't popular to this day among most of the populace who feel uneasy about any and all chaos magic. It is not uncommon for chaos loyalists to be ostracized and such, though this is heavily discouraged by Celestia herself who loves her ponies like children. While the cultists do worship chaos as much as Celestia, only some are allowed to use the chaos realm.

They become chaos magi. Each and every pony, whether unicorn or not, can become one. There is a trade off however. Each acolyte is taught by one instructor. Before the ritual to make a pony into a chaos sorcerer can begin, they are branded on their right cheeks with Celestia's mark. This is not just a mark to show that they are what they are. No, it is a mark to keep a pony's mind intact and resistant to any and all daemons that call the warp their home. Once done, they are taken deep within Canterlot, to the last and only opening from the realm of the Living to the realm of chaos. {As all others had been sealed by the sisters.} The acolytes are then made to gaze into the schism.

They are all driven mad by it, with only the brand keeping some semblance of sanity left. They are then free to use their gifts.

The cult of chaos preaches for changes and diversity. They believe creativity and uniqueness are key to living a happy life and love to destroy social norms and break out into their own. As such, many leading members of the music and art communities are in fact part of the cult. It is also their belief, that is shared by no one else in the world, that Discord was not all bad. {This gets them much scorn, since Discord tormented countless numbers for his games.}

Notable members:

Vinyl Scratch; Ponyville's leading chaos cult leader

Twilight Sparkle; acolyte and praised as one of the strongest chaos magi of all time

Nonsense; Twilight's master and the pony who introduced her to the cult after her entrance exam

Ditzy Doo; chaos loyalist and one of the more outspoken members of the cult. Despite her beliefs and low status, she's well liked by most of the populace as they see her as harmless. (Content to be Ponyville's leading mailmare and proud mother.)

Screwball; mother of Vinyl Scratch, Long Play and Diamond Tiara. Some have said that she herself is a chaos daemon, but none have proven it.

Chief; leader of the cult of chaos

Long Play; Vinyl Scratch's big brother and commander of Equestria's Sound Knights.

Quick question, if and when Discord returns, will some members of cult of chaos join him? I mean the ones who lives in Ponyville and Canterlot? Or will this lead to a civil war of chaos?

Group Admin

5029914 If Discord were to return, a good majority of the 'legal' branches would stay with Celestia. {It pays to be nice to your subjects.} However, a number would join him, either out of fear or power. That and Manehattan has always had an undercurrent of 'hate' towards Celestia and keeping with the ways of Discord, given all the battles that took place during that time. So Manehattan would house a number of his would be supporters. So it would be a kind of Chaotic Civil War of sorts.

5030276 Thanks for the answer. I hope to read about the Chaotic Civil War if and when Discord returns.

Comment posted by ghoul-of-the-background deleted May 10th, 2017

Thought about asking this in the five realms, but decided to do it hear. You mentioned in the five realms post that Celestia's cutie is the sigil for equestria does that there are, other gods that employ chaos mages? Do all the kingdoms as well or is it only certain one's? O

oh Yeah when you write the list of gods can you mention ones that employ them.

Group Admin

5942905 Some do, some don't.

I see thank you for the answer.

Question #1 how do of other factions gain chaos cultist..I mean how do other gods go about it so I guess the discord cult and the succubi and the other gods I guess go about it. with Celestia acolytes gaze into the schism with the brand keeping their some sanity intact.

Question#2 scientist study the warp/realm of chaos right? how do they study it..are there chaos cultist that are also scientist

"chaos is order and order is chaos"

Theres no reason I said that last part I just really wanted to say it..

Group Admin

1: Other countries don't have it as bad as they have more in standard chaos gods or don't really allow chaos worship at all. It's usually through more subtle means so most Discord worshippers are either ponies or griffons.

2: There are chaotic scientists. Those who have a bit more sanity then most chaos worshippers.

Comment posted by ghoul-of-the-background deleted May 5th, 2020
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