The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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The world of Equis is abounds in equine tribes. However, disputes on what or which tribe is an official 'pony' tribe have come about. To this day, only eight pony tribes have been confirmed, while the rest are simply titled 'equine-morphs'.


Or just referred to as the Prench. Unicorns are a relatively young race, only 'officially' coming into being a few thousand years ago. They are descended from unicorn ponies who fled Equestria after the devastating Equestrian/Changeling war that brought an end to the first age of Equestria. Most of the voyagers were of noble descent and were purists, so they cared not to bring any of the other tribes to safety.

Eventually, they became the 'unicorns' of Prance that the world knows today.

Prench unicorns are an incredibly proud and pompous race of Equines. They believe that they are the 'master' race and are destined to rule. They are very much anti-anything, despising any sapient not of their own race. It is for this reason that hybrids (or derogotively called 'mixers' were unknown until recent times.)

The only hybrids born of a union between a Unicorn and anything else, are Inquisitor Trixie De Lis and her elder brother Written Delights. {Born of Fancy Pants and {Prench} Fleur De Lis, who imprinted a cutie mark onto herself to fit in to the more 'peaceful' nation.}

Unicorns, while similar in some ways to their pony cousins, have changed. They have become larger, faster, and cleverer due to their increased horn size and heads. Given their increased magical output, unicorns can live for several hundred years, with elders having witnessed Nightmare Moons' bloody rampage across the world. With their long lifespans, it takes a long time for them to dispel grudges and spats. Prench unicorns grow exceptionally tall, reach similar heights to that of Saddle Arabians.

With their magical growth, has come problems. Even though they are stronger then average unicorns and can wield spells easily that would take unicorn ponies time to get down, they have a major setback. While unicorn ponies can survive their horns being torn off, albeit with certain negative defects and have to be put on medication until their horns grow back, Prench unicorns can't regrow their horns. Losing a horn is a death sentence for a unicorn. Eventually, they will die from magical poisoning, which happens when the very magic that keeps them alive over saturates the cells in the body and with no outlet, causes the body to shut down. It's a very painful and long experience. It can be treated, but the treatment causes them to be dull and without energy.

Lastly, Unicorns have lost the ability to gain cutie marks. Some have speculated that it's because the gods have cursed them for their arrogance. Other, more level headed thinkers, have constructed another idea. A Unicorn's body is so saturated with magic that they have formed a sort of 'barrier' to magical outside energies in their environment, such as being able to 'block' a cutie mark. This understanding has come out of scientific research into cutie marks.

Sea Ponies

Sea Ponies are a purely aquatic tribe and one of the youngest established 'pony tribes', being only around 6000 years of age. They are a skittish race and as such were so rarely seen they were thought to be myths for generations before they officially opened up to the outside world.

Sea Ponies are the only cold blooded tribe. As such, they are sluggish in cold temperatures, such as the far poles or just their deep dives, and need to bathe in the sunlight in order to keep going. While they mostly just float on the surface to gather the sun's rays, perching themselves on rocks is a much better means of sunbathing. It's here where they are mostly spotted.

They are masters of water manipulation, able to create tidal waves and currents with ease that can topple ships. They are able to dive down to depths that would otherwise surely kill a creature of their size. Their voices are sweet and harmonious, sometimes earning them the titles 'sirens' since they were feared to manipulate others with song. This is not a fact, only a rumor since they resemble the sirens of olden tales. For this reason, ponies in ancient times would try and hunt them down. This lent quite a bit to their skittish tendencies.

Sea Ponies are brightly colored, even more so then their land brethren as well as having tall sails along their back and especially their heads. This helps regulate their temperature and to attract mates. Both genders take part in the courtship ritual, showing off their bright colored bodies in beautiful and graceful displays in order to impress their intended.

Genetic researchers were surprised to find out the Sea Pony origins. For many a year, ponies thought sea ponies were descended from Earth Ponies that lived on the coast. Whereas their genes say otherwise. It shocked them to discover that they are in fact descended from the pegasi tribe. Their wings have evolved into flippers and their forelegs have since been atrophied. This would explain their omnivorous diet and how easy water manipulation comes to them, harking back to the pegasi's manipulation of the sky.

They can still 'walk' on land, but their movements more resemble that of a seals. This aids in visits to other nations, where they have to leave the ocean. However, they still need to keep themselves hydrated, so they bring along tanks and crystals to keep themselves wet.


Vamphirines are one of the oldest tribes that have since split from the main three. They are descended from the pegasi who fought with Chrysalis and since fled the country. Over generations, they interbred with the surviving changelings, thus becoming the Vamphirines, or derogotively called 'bat-ponies'. To this day, Vamphirine, while allies to Equestria, despise the pegasi and vice-versa.

Vamphirines are the only true carnivorous tribe. Their large fangs can slash, tear, and break bones with each making for easy kills. Their whole body is designed for the hunt. With extra sensitive ears to pick up even the slightest noise across the space of a hoof(foot)ball field, or perhaps more so. They have excellent night vision and are built to tackle and hold prey much larger than themselves. They have been misconstrued as drinking blood, given their 'bat' qualities. This isn't so, but that doesn't mean they aren't against a bloody carcass.

They have large wings, which they use to cover themselves when they sleep. It should be noted that while they can sleep like a normal equine, they prefer to sleep upside down. For this reason, they have rather strong and versatile tails that mirror Earth Ponies.

Vamphirines love war, rivaling their ancestors need of it. However, unlike the pegasi who view it as honorable to face a foe head on, Vamphirines look to any means to kill their foes. For this reason, they are the greatest engineers of weapons on Equis. While they aren't the most advanced, their weaponry outshines even goblins and Fluffs in their skill. Their country of Germane is always looking to expand its border.

Vamphirineswere thought to mainly come in black and gray colors. This is not true. In fact, those dark colors are just pocket groups on the borders of their large country. Most Vamphrines are in fact shades of brown.


Of all the races, Fluffs are the smallest. They are descended from pony settlers that came to the Northern group of small islands for a new home. The adults come up to only the size of colts and fillies of relatively young age. Fluffs are very friendly and welcoming of everyone, going out of their way to make sure their guests are having a good time.While some call them naive, they are in fact one of the richest countries in the world, trading with most everyone. This does not include their sworn rivals, the goblins, who fight constantly between each other for the best trade routes and ports.

Fluffs are not psychically strong, nor do their unicorns have that much magical power, only being able to perform relatively simple spells. The pegasi can only glide for short distances. This is due to their natural traits being atrophied over time, since their island homes, for the most part, have many predator free areas. The ones they do have, such as great flightless birds and a northern species of spinosaur, have been trained and used in their armies. They have thick fur and can survive the harshest winters without a single chill down their spines. Their children are even fluffier, resembling balls of fluff.

Because of their lack of strength, they make up for it in their intellect. Scientists have proven that their brains are hardwired to be clever, even more so than a normal pony's. Alongside the goblins, they are the most advanced species on the planet Equis. As such, they are often used as consultants and advisers in mechanical affairs. Other countries prefer to have them deal with their tech than goblins, since Fluffs are generally less greedy and prone to backstabbing....that and it's less likely to explode. That isn't to say that they can't be warriors, but they prefer to shoot from a distance since they aren't as quick or strong as other races.

Crystal Ponies

Crystal Ponies are the direct descendants of Smart Cookie's plan to escape Equestria's worn torn state. The exiled pony took with him a group of settlers that fled north. {This is not to be confused with the ponies who would one day become Northerners.} The rag tag group eventually found a land fertile enough to 'survive', albeit in such harsh conditions. Specifically around great crystal caves, the greatest in all of Equis. The crystals themselves had a exuberant aura to them. Over time, it influenced the ponies biology until they became the Crystal Ponies we know today.

Crystal Ponies are all earth based, as such, have the innate magic of Earth Ponies. However, they have lost their connection to the earth. They are beings of crystal. Instead, they draw energy from 'emotions' and the energy around them. A happy Crystal Pony is a strong crystal pony. Those emotions will also affect their fellow ponies, fueling a sense of greatness in each and everyone of them. For this reason, they are the most social of the pony tribes. They need another to help them be at ease, as they will feel frustrated when alone. Their bodies are hard and smooth, having lost their fur generations ago. Their manes are sleek and harder than earth pony hair, able to break stone easily. Their Earth Pony strength has been amplified. With all this however, they lose a little strength when away from their home and in small groups.

All Crystal Ponies grow crystals over their bodies. As such, they have to maintain themselves by filing their 'skin' down every once in a while. Crystal Ponies have excellent night vision, able to see in total darkness. This aids in making them the worlds greatest miners. While they do have cities over ground, they prefer to live under the earth in their crystal mines. As such, most of them don't see the sun over their heads. They are also known for eating gems, having evolved jaws and teeth strong enough for the job.

Crystal Ponies are isolationists, but still trade with Equestria given their love of Celestia. They dislike Equestrians, since they were exiled oh so long ago.

Group Admin

4013966 Oh that was a blog post, this was put up here so people would have an easier time finding information about this universe.


reach similar heights to that of Saddle Arabians.

Why aren't the Saddle Arabians mentioned here?

Group Admin

5027508 They aren't ponies. They're horses, similar to why zebras aren't listed here. These are all pretty much sub-species of the main tribes.

Oh I see.

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