The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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{Original post was months ago in a blog, but I finally realized it'd be better here.}

So here it is. The original Elements of Harmony for my proto alt-universe. Now I know I mention them before, even going in depth for some, but eh, I'm bored and it's fun.

Element of Magic:
Lyra Heartstrings

The original main character of the entire series. Lyra honestly has been one of my favorite background characters in the series, only losing out to another pony I'll talk about soon enough. She's a very quirky character and has made me laugh in several stories, even if she's not the main focus. So I wanted to make something specifically for her. She's pretty much the reason I made an AU story in the first place, so you can thank her for the Shimmerverse.

Anyways, the then named 'Lyraverse' was pretty much held in the same setting as its successor. Well, with some differences. Lyra wasn't going to be Time Turner's apprentice, instead she was going to be one of the acolytes to one of the more prestigious inquisitors, High Inquisitor Fervent. Since Lyra is a rather 'quirky' Inquisitor in training, she often goofs up and isn't taken seriously. After begging her master for a chance to prove herself, she'd have been sent off to Ponyville to keep an eye on the Summer Sun Celebration. Due to her rough nature and being an Inquisitor (even if she's only an acolyte) she has a habit of driving others away.

Honestly, the plot isn't that far fetched. In the pilot, we see Lyra in Canterlot the same with Twilight and later in the episode she's in Ponyville. Yeah, lazy animators or whatever, but still. {I've seen some stories/theories with Lyra as an agent of Celestia's to watch over Twilight. I can't remember the names of the fics.}

The fic was supposed to be more comedic and lighthearted as to fit Lyra's nature. It was pretty much going to follow her trying to exert her authority/bumble her way through the adventure. Yeah, it was dark, but kind of on the same levels as how Ciaphas Cain books are. The world is dark, but the characters are so enjoyable and you don't spend so much time 'fighting' more running and falling into luck really.

However, there were several reasons why I made the choice to change it up. The first was how I really wanted to include Sunset and I couldn't think of any other Element for her then magic. The second was a major contributor. Lyra is an Element in several AU stories. Seriously, she's one of the more popular characters to include in an Element line up and I really wanted my AU to be set apart from the rest. So, with a heavy heart, I let her go....Sometimes I wonder what would have been if I kept with that premise. Yeah, I'd probably get more views since a lot more people like Lyra. {Sadly so. Rainbow Rocks did give Sunset more popularity though, which is good.} Still, never did like letting go of that idea. I spent two whole months working on it, with Sunset more of a week since I had the world already planned out for her.

After that, I was going to have her a substantial side character, tasked with following Sunset about. {Maybe even another Element} but I felt that would bog the story down with too many jokes. So, she's been relegated to minor character status. Still, I'm happy she's still around for me to write now and again.

Fics starring her as an Element: Longest Night, Longest Day/ The Music of Ponyville/ The Element of Magic/ Twilight Manages to Screw up more than usual

Element of Inspiration

Octavia was another early choice. Both she and Lyra live in Canterlot, which makes interaction between them a little more likely in my eyes. She was pretty much going to be Lyra's only friend up to that point, which is something I think should be done more often. The only other story that has these two as friends is 'Spiders and Magic' and they aren't a 'major' part of the story. Still, her characterization was going to be pretty much the usual one. A stuffy, no nonsense kind of mare with a love for classical music. She and Lyra were friends since their youth, so Octavia's learned to deal with Lyra's outbursts. (As well as out of pity, since she's Lyra's only friend.)

She was going to get her Element after inspiring some creatures/ponies with her music to keep on going and never give up. I never did figure out what or who they were or doing, but it was a nice thought anyways.

Of course, the main reason I wanted to write her is that she's my favorite background pony. Ever since I came into this fandom, around April 2011 and saw her debute, I fell in love with this pony....Not literally....for the most part...shhh! Still, I do plan on bringing her in on a later date.

Fics starring her as an Element: Twilight manages to Screw up more than usual/ The Music of Ponyville/ The Element of Magic/ Octaviaverse: Friendship is Magic/ The Wrong place at the right time

Element of Selflessness:

Rarity was seriously fighting me to appear in this fic. Every step of the way, she was in my mind and yelling in my ear 'CHOOSE ME!'. I almost did. I really did. It's not just cause she's one of my favorite characters on the show, she is, but she is a fun character to write. There wasn't any deviation to how she appears in A Different Sunset. Heck, you can probably see how I was building up to including her. The only reason I didn't was because of Coco. I have no idea but Coco was such a last minute addition. I love Coco too and I honestly think she deserves some real spotlight, so I picked her instead.
Sorry Rarara.

Her defining moment was going to be rescuing Steven Magnet from a group of Nightmare soldiers and giving up a piece of her tail to help him with his moustache. More of an action version of the canon episode.

Fics starring her as an Element: Canon, duh./ Nightmare Moon Over the Republic

Element of Loyalty:

My third favorite background pony. There's not a lot I can say about her, except I really love her design. She's not one of my favs for nothing after all. While she is one of the more popular background characters in fanart, she's kind of on the back-burner in the fic department. Well, compared to other background characters. She was another early choice and was originally the Captain of the Weather team...that is until the last minute when I remembered I like Lightning Dust more.

Sorry Cloudchaser. You're still the second in command, so you have that.

Her Element was going to be in a similar stance to Lightnings, except the warlock would have been right there cursing her, trying to break her. She'd push on through and break his horn.

Fics starring her as an Element: Octaviaverse: Friendship is Magic

Element of Truth:
Ditzy Doo

For all those who watched this from beginning, you might remember I originally had the 'Ditzy' tag on my story. Yep, she was originally cast to be the Element of Truth. Like most of my choices and recasts, I wanted to be more original with my choices and pick characters less popular and certainly needing of spotlight. I love ya, Ditzy, but you already have a ton of artwork/fics and appearances. It was a really hard decision for me to switch her with Pizzelle. None of these were easy honestly, but I made due.

How she'd get her Element was by unveiling special chaos talisman that would help them find the castle of the Two Sisters. (The Original plan was for Apostle to cast a spell to hide it, even so Shade couldn't find it without help. With Ditzy replaced, and with the town pretty much doing its job of distracting everyone long enough for Nightmare's return, I scrapped it.) She'd reveal that she was a follower of chaos and left Vanhoofer to get away from prejudice and to raise her two daughters. {So, she kept it a secret from the town in order to live a normal life.}

She's still a follower now, but she's more open about her beliefs. (Eh, Ponyville's a rather excepting town anyways.)

Fics starring her as an Element:Flipside/ Substitute Harmony/ Longest Night, Longest Day/ The Element of Magic/ Twilight Manages to Screw up more than usual

Element of Joy:
Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie is and will always be one of my all time favorite characters in fiction, animated or otherwise. I love this character for several reasons. {I don't want to bore you. I'll save that for whenever I make a top ten favorite characters. Maybe once season 5 is over, since it's really coming close now.} So it wasn't a big surprise to me that I would want to include her in the line up. However, again, I wanted a more original set and I simply adore Fiddlesticks too. Sadly, I had to change it. {I still love Fiddlesticks as well.}

She would have been pretty much spot on with her canon self as the town's party mare. How she would get her cutie mark is funny. She wasn't in my original idea, but came along about a month in to the line up, about when I switched Sunset into the Element of Magic. She, Spike, and Dinky (thus fueling Ditzy's desires to join their party) would have been captured by Nightmare Moon as a way of a deterrent should Celestia come after her before she's ready. There, imprisoned and with no hope, she would've been doing her best to cheer up the others, even the guards too. {THere was also going to be a subplot with her developing a crush on Spike and a little competition between her and Moondancer.}

Instead I made her into a changeling Princess...that's a thing.

Fics starring her as an Element: Canon, duh/ Substitute Harmony

Element of Benevolence:
Mane Goodall

Last and not least is Mane Goodall. The only minor character on this list who has not appeared in an alternate line up, nor been given that much attention in the fandom. I originally wanted her simply because she's a vet and that'd easily let me bring up several strange and fascinating animals whenever I wanted. However, she and Redheart had always been neck and neck from the beginning fighting with me over who got the part. Sadly for Goodall, I chose Nurse Redheart since I liked her the better of the two and a nurse is extremely useful during adventure arcs.

Her Element was helping out a deadly animal that could and would have easily killed her otherwise. {Originally wounded by either Shade or another warlock. As well, it was going to come into the battle to come.}

This is the main original cast and I know it's odd for me to waste time on this when "I COULD BE MAKING MORE CHAPTERS"! Yeah, I know. It's just college and work have been taxing. I apologize. I do hope you enjoyed this little bit of trivia and I promise to get something done soon enough. Until then, stay happy and upbeat. {I also apologize if I missed some other alt-Element fics involving these characters. Feel free to let me know.}

Hmmm, very interesting insight on you're developing choice characters. Hey, here's a crazy idea [even though you've already done this at least twice now], but maybe you could write a story involving the Element bearers of "The Shimmerverse" meeting or joining forces with the "Lyraverse" elements. And unlike their previous multi-verse adventures, this one might seem more familiar to them (but still plenty of differences). Just a thought.
Also, Mane Goodall is an actual character [cannon or fandom]?

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5491526 Mane Goodall was a minor character who appeared in one episode "Secret of My Excess" as the vet Twilight takes Spike to. As for that idea, I'd have to think about it. If I did, I'd probably be tempted to write something for the Lyraverse or something, but then I already have a handful of stories as of now. So either that will wait or someone might take a crack at it. Still, that will be on the backburner. Thanks for the idea.

Oh yeah, I remember her now. And yeah, she should have more attention in fandom.
Of course with an obvious name like hers, I'd imagine her being more of scientist/zoologist [most likely studying animals of the Everfree Forest], and/or being close friends with A.K Yearling/Daring Do...Hmmm.:duck:

As for the idea, you're welcome.:twilightsmile:
And take your time, both in deciding and (if you choose to) in writing it [or getting someone else to].

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