The Shimmerverse 355 members · 19 stories
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Group Admin

Hello and welcome my faithful fans to another rendition of my 'sapiants edition' for the Shimmerverse. This time we'll be talking about non-equine sapiants that dwell in the world. For this, I'll break it up into two blogs so as to not bore some. {Three if the list grows larger.}

Now it's true that ponies and their sub races make up the most prevalent members of the sapiant races and nations on Equis. This is especially true when you include Equinemorphs as true pony races. Still, there are plenty of other races dwelling on the planet that have become major contenders and even rivals to Equestria.


Dinosaurs and many other creatures were long extinct by the age of Discord. However, due to being bored, he thought it would be fun to bring back all sorts of creatures. Troodon were amongst them. It was actually surprising to pony scientists to find out that Troodon were actually sapient. Before, there had no clear evidence to this other than perceived 'higher' intelligence than most other dinosaurs.

Another astounding trait of Troodon was how docile they and their society were. Troodon are natural predators. They are quick to learn, quicker than most other sapiants and are great with coordination. They are agile and deadly, yet very amicable. it seems to fit Troodon nature to calculate every problem, evaluate it, before acting. This has often labelled them as 'slow to do anything' by other races, but Equestrians don't mind. In fact, from the very moment of contact, Equestrians and Troodon became fast allies. This was aided by the Troodon's surprising omnivorous lifestyle.

Troodon are also characterized by their superior night vision, easily out-competing any local predators and such that inhabit their continent. Their long feathers and warm bloodedness were another surprise to scientists. This has allowed the species to create a few colonies on islands far north. As well, Troodon have on god and one god only that they will pray to: Celestia. They owe their lives to the sun goddess, after driven to near extinction by the human Roman Empire. They are excellent sun priests, sometimes even outshining ponies in their devote ways to the sun princess.

Troodon had excellent eyesight, able to see from a great bit of distance. This makes them perfect snipers, some of the best in the world. This, and their master Sun Priests, have helped repel many Prench and Roman conqueror.


Another dinosaurian sapiant, Oviraptors differ greatly in their attitude. Being larger and vastly stronger than the fleet footed Troodon, Oviraptors are more prone to use said strength to achieve their means. While no means as blunt and aggressive as the griffins or minotaurs, Oviraptors are known for taking the quickest path to achievement. They are a very short-sighted race in that regard.

A strange quirk of their society is the fact that they are the only nation that still actively worships Luna. Before The Equestrian Civil War, or the Twilight War, Princess Luna saved their race from extinction from the invading Ahuizotl {as well as exterminating their race, the current Ahuizotl changed his name to honor his fallen race}. This, and the differing styles of thought, have led to many conflicts between them and their neighbors, the Troodon. The only reason they were not targeted by Celestia's 'Cleansing Rage' after the Twilight Wars because of their significance to Luna and the sheer cost it would have taken the already battered nation to raze their nation. After some time, Celestia's head cooled and she began to try and negotiate. To this day, Oviraptors despise Celestia for taking their patron goddess away from them.

Out of any meat, Oviraptors prefer and lust for sea food, especially molluscs and other shelled sea creatures. This sea faring life has led them to be the greatest ship builders and mariners in the world. While they don't have the largest 'navy', their speed and experience certainly makes up for this.


The Roman Empire is a strange nation, in that it just appeared several thousand years ago, shortly before Queen Majesty's reign. Humans have, and still are, very wary of other races. Claiming to come from a world where there were no other sapients, the core of their society still doesn't know how to properly deal with others. As such, romans prefer to keep their affairs inwards, only leaving to ensure 'secure' trading routes and to invade other countries. This isolation has become lax in recent years, with the involvement of the much more open and hospitable Prince Crispus.

As well, humans are very much anti-magic, to the point they will gladly hunt any 'witch' they find in their country. This is mostly due to Queen Majesty's violent purge during the height of her reign, which used spells and polymorphic potions to change them. {Polymorphic spells are strictly monitored in Equestrian society. Only sanctioned officials are allowed to use them and they are never to be used in warfare as it is a reminder of Majesty's bloodied reign.} As well, they have a strict ‘no prisoner’ clause when it comes to magic using races. To counter magic, humans have become the world's experts on rune 'magic', a sub-genre that focuses more on 'counter'. While magic can still best it, they have become troublesome to the more magically inclined opponents.

Humans are quick witted when they want to be. Able to create constructs the likes many races are envious of. As well, while they hate magic, they are skilled in the art of druidic aura. Their druids are deadly in fights, often using constructed creatures: ents and timberwolves. Humanity is an exception to the rule in the world, in that they are the only race with no patron gods.


Kitsune aren't known to be the most 'trustworthy' of sapients. This is a stigma born from their inherit need to trick and play pranks on other creatures. Kitsune can't help it. It's in their blood and for the most part, they aren't really that harmless. In part is the kitsune's rather unique set of magic. They are naturally born illusionists. No unicorn so far has ever matched the ever complex illusions an everyday kistune can muster. Unicorns have tried to learn, but none have been able to do so effectively, in part because of their kitsune teachers playing pranks and messing up the plans. All for fun, of course. Even in good nature, this had lead to the untrustworthy image of their species.

Even so, kitsune are rather wise when you get them to act seriously. They can live for around a thousand years, matching the Unicorns of Prance in age and magical capabilities. Every century, a kitsune will grow a tail. So it's easy to guess how old they are based on that fact. They pride themselves on their tales and no one, not even another kitsune is allowed to touch them without permission. They will become violent if done so, happily giving out the worst of curses. It is considered a mark of the greatest of bonds if a kitsune allows you to groom their tails. {Otherwise, they will spend hours doing it themselves.} Alongside their illusions, kitsune are masters in the art of curses. Once placed, baring a god, only a kitsune can remove them.

For the most part, kitsune are golden with some red marking on their heads with some individuals. However, it isn't uncommon to see white, orange, red, and even black kitsune.


Goblins are the masters of trade and profit. This has lead them to be the richest species on the planet, as well as hated by many for their stinginess. They are incredibly greedy and are more than willing to stab you in the back or at least pick pocket you when you aren't looking. While this isn't true for them all, it is very common in goblin society, to the point where it isn't wise to trust another goblin.

Goblins are very short, even shorter than a regular mare. This leads many to think they are defenseless in a fight. They are right, for the most part. Stingy as they are, they would more likely fight than fight for treasure. That's if they don't think they have enough firepower or support. Goblins are relatively weak, even for their size and are not the bravest of souls. They'd rather shoot you in the back than face you. Again, not the motto of all goblins. There are some good ones who have done good business. It's just you never know which ones are true, before they swindle you.

They are the most tech savvy of races, vying with the Fluffs on most accounts. Both the Fluffs and Goblins are, in some ways, centuries ahead of the other sapients in the field of technology. It's just that, it's not only their greedy nature you can't trust. Goblin technology tends to malfunction and explode from time to time. They are master builders, but they are prone to put a little too much 'oomph' into their creations. As such, it is best to use caution when handling their machines.

As well, goblins do their best to steer clear of Equestrian trade routes. The two species have bad blood between them, given a devastating war that occurred some time after Luna's banishment. Celestia has tried to make amends, with mixed results. At best, some goblins prefer to let their greed do the thinking and will happily barter with ponies.


Minotaurs are a prideful race. They hold honor and combat experience above all else. Both female and male minotaurs will gladly charge into the fray, breaking apart enemy positions with ease thanks to their immense size and strength. They can rent armor easily and quickly and they will happily do so. They are rather thick headed and are often called stupid. They aren't, but they are a rather temperamental species. Their honor is something they will defend at all costs, even if it means giving up their lives. Minotaurs are always looking for their next fight, eagerly doing battle as often as they can with other nations and even each other.

Most of these wars last only a short time. Just to wet the nation's appetite. A minotaur's placing in an army owes both to their combat experience and strength, earning it through combating similarly ranked individuals. Even with their bloodthirsty nature, minotaurs are rather civil. They have rules of conduct and civilians are never harmed. Enemy combatants are treated like equals. Even so, it is not uncommon for a minotaur to belittle opponents they think are weak. This had led to many conflicts with nations bearing smaller creatures, Equestria especially. Each time, they left with battered bodies and smiles on their faces. Though, of course, they bitterly thought over the loss to small 'ponies'.

A Minotaurs oath is his bond. Oath-breakers are exceedingly rare and are forbidden from returning to their homeland. Most of these find themselves employed as mercenaries. Minotaur mercs are ruthless and deadly. With no honor, they have nothing more to lose or to live for. Many turn into the thick headed barbarians that their race are thought to be. The minotaur homeland openly resents these individuals besmirching the name of the proud minotaur race.

one must wonder how big the world is in order to hold all these different species

so many species and so many wonders, my question is though what is there equivalent to our country
I know that Fluff are Iceland, Bat pony's are Germany and im guessing humans are italy. So what about the others?

I like that the human's animosity goes back to Queen Majesty, who made Sombra look like a Filly-Scout.

Group Admin

4864744 The Kitsune are Japan-esque

The Oviraptors and Troodon are a mixture of older south american native nations.

Minotaurs Greece, more specifically Sparta.

Are Elephants a sapiant races in this world?

Group Admin

4952348 I haven't sorted that out yet. I'm leaning towards a maybe.

... Why do I have a bad feeling that the Romans might wind up becoming more like the Nazis when it comes to their prejudice against magic?

Group Admin

4958376 Given human attitudes and their culture, yeah it would be very easy for them to slide into something like that. Human mages still do their best to flee the country, which is why there is a sizable population of humans in Equestria. Again, the current prince is laxing these purges to where humans will now take unicorns prisoners instead of killing them, but if something were to happen to the prince now or soon enough, they'd probably fall right back into their 'kill on sight' ideology.

4958406 What about human religion? I know you said that they had no patron god, but no they have any gods at all? (Like Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto sence they're Romans.)

Group Admin

5037532 Religion of any gods are strictly prohibited in the Roman Empire, but humans that live outside the empire, mostly in Equestria, do sometimes pray. There are human gods, yes, but they were driven away when the Romans rose up against them and after Chrysalis, Majesty, and Discord, they were rather weak at the time.

Romans do still pay tribute to forest spirits and guardians however, in a sort of druidistic sense of worship.

5037539 So basically nature worship then? Thanks! :twilightsmile:


Question: Which Roman Empire are we talking about here? The early, pagan one that fought Carthage, or the late, Christian one that fell to Germanic barbarians?

Group Admin

5556113 I'm leaning towards the earlier pagan one. I'm not sure what the Christian one would really contribute to this world.


I was just curious considering how you said you think the human's default reaction to magic-users is to go into full-on "Purge" mode, which is reminiscent of the Christian Roman Empire which considered witchcraft a crime, but reading closely I realized that they were basically very militant atheists.

Group Admin

5557662 Well, more militant Druidistic pagans. After Queen Majesty tried to destroy them with her magic, they grew to hate magic and well, their gods were viewed as magical beings. That said, many humans still did worship and still do worship them and fled to Equestria, which is why Equestria has a lot of Roman themes going on in it. The humans then turned to 'Nature' abilities, since they were viewed as more natural means of it.

So they are basically a druid nation that hates any other form of 'magic', though they would call it 'Life Force' or the like. They don't worship in gods, but they honor nature and nature spirits. As well, it's kind of impossible to be an atheist in a world where gods walk around. So more 'anti-theist', in a sense. Of course, you do have a point about the Christian Rome being very much anti-magic/pagans/ and whatnot. It would 'fit' in terms of actions but I would rather not bring in the abrahamic myths into this world.

That's partially because I don't very much care for it and partially because 'He' wouldn't really fit.

As well, the Roman/Greek gods needed enough worshipers in the first place to create them, so yeah. I really do need to do some blogs on religion/gods of the Shimmerverse. I hope this answered your question.


Don't worry, I get it now. :twilightsmile:

This is just a surprisingly complex AU.

Group Admin

5557710 I really need to make blogs. Perhaps set up some questionnaires as well. I'm glad I could be of assistance. :twilightsmile:
Yeah, I tend to go a bit in depth with world building as it's probably my favorite aspect of creating your own world.


By the way, considering that you seem to imply that this setting runs on the "Gods Need Prayer Badly" trope, does this mean that Celestia, Luna, and even Discord were created that way? As well as the other gods in this setting? Because if so, then the Warhammer similarities are just heightened even more. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

5557755 Well gods can be created three ways, and I might go more in depth in a future blog.

1) They can be brought about by firm beliefs. This is, oddly, not that common but it has happened on occasion where a god or goddess would come about by belief itself.

2) Ascension. Most gods are, in fact, ascended mortals who were able to fully tap into a particular aspect of the world around them.

3) Birth. Of course, this would require at least one of their parents to be a god or goddess.


Now that you mentioned that, I have a few ideas for how some canon villains can eventually be worked into this story...


i have to ask, what is the current technological level of the Romans, are they still using spears and shields and using fire and animals for everyday power? Or are they closer to WW1 era or even modern day society

Group Admin

5940468 I'd say they around the same technological level as most of the world. Basically, electricity is a thing but weaponry hasn't really evolved past muskets yet, same for most everyone else. They rely more on swords, shields, and other such weapons for larger battles. I do wish to make a blog on guns soon enough, and possibly I'll go into more depth when I talk about the Romans.

Does Asterion/Asterios also known as the Minotauros(bull of King Minos) from the Labyrinth in Greek myth exist here?

Group Admin

I would believe so. He's not a regular minotaur, more of a raging abhorrent.


How much do the Troodons fear/hate humans?

Like for example, if Earth was discovered with all its might and intimidation, would their be some radicals calling for war or praying for Celestia to destroy or conquer the "evil" humans?

Group Admin

Fear, terror, and basically building up their defenses in the case of an attack. It would be widespread panic amongst them as they would look to Celestia to put an end to what could be another human invasion.


so, they wouldn't attack first? or advocate for Celestia to attack first

Group Admin

Distrust, yes. Fear, yes. War? Not their first action and they'd be alright for a peaceful solution, so long as the humans don't come in force to their shore. They will attack if provoked, however.

You mentioned before that the Kistune have Samurai in their ranks (which makes sense since their country is based off of Japan), so how do they wield swords?

Do they use their mouths or some sort of psychic grip?

Also do they have ninja in their units?

Group Admin

Mouths are used, but it's usually with their tails and sometimes with psychic grips. Ninjas? I am undecided on that

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